Consultations – CAA

Consultations CAA


CAA Consultations
Details of open and closed consultations

CAA Responses to External Consultations


Consultation: Aviation Environmental Review
Following publication of the first UK Aviation Environmental Review (AER) in December 2023, the CAA has published a consultation seeking views from all interested parties on the future development of the AER.
The CAA aim to develop the AER into a tool that can be used by Government, industry and other interested stakeholders to inform and drive positive environmental change.
To ensure the AER develops into a useful tool for stakeholders, this consultation seeks feedback on the CAA’s overall ambition for the AER, alongside input on the nature of environmental data reported, including how this data should be presented.
Dated: October 2024

Operations Stakeholder Working Group
A working group is being established to support the CAA policy teams and other subject matter experts.
The group will provide an initial assessment of the obstacles to overcome to create the most expeditious, robust and future proof method to safely integrate Multicopters, VCA aircraft systems and gyrocopters into the Air Ops Regulations for Commercial Air Transport (CAT), Non-commercial Operation with Complex Motor-powered Aircraft (NCC) or Specialized Operations (SPO).
We invite stakeholders to register their interest.
Closes 25 October 2024
Dated: September 2024

General Aviation Licensing Review: Phase 2 consultation responses published
Today we have published our consultation response documents for the General Aviation Licensing Review Phase 2 consultation.
A summary of the responses received, the decisions made, and next steps can be found in the relevant consultation response document and on the consultation page:
aeroplanes including microlights and consultation page
balloons and airships and consultation page
sailplanes and consultation page
helicopters and consultation page
gyroplanes and consultation page
Posted: September 2024

Consultation on CAP1220: Operation of experimental aircraft under E Conditions – Revision 3
We’ve launched our consultation on CAP1220: Operation of experimental aircraft under E Conditions – Revision 3 for public comment.
Revision 3 incorporates changes raised and agreed by the E Conditions working group as a part of our regular review process.
Additionally, changes have been incorporated as a result of the work carried out to satisfy our public commitment to address the five Safety Recommendations issued by the AAIB relative to an accident involving an aeroplane operating under E conditions.
Closes 17 October 2024
Dated: September 2024

Extension to the applicability date for the Pavement Classification Rating (PCR) – Update
The UK is extending the applicability date for the publication of the Pavement Classification Rating (PCR) beyond the 28 November 2024.
Licensed and certificated aerodromes operating aircraft over 5700 kgs should continue to prepare in anticipation to submit PCR values of either U or T to AIS.
To record more detailed responses, we have updated a few questions within the consultation.
We would like to ask stakeholders, especially those who have already submitted feedback, to give us their views.
Closes 25 October 2024
Dated: September 2024

Call for Action – Industry invitation to CAA Hydrogen Working Group
Applications to join close on 5th September 2024.
Posted: August 2024

Vertiport Stakeholder Working Group
A working group comprised of stakeholders and representatives from industry is being established to support the CAA policy teams and other subject matter experts tasked with developing policy and regulation pertaining to vertiports established at a location other than an existing licensed or certificated aerodrome.
The project comprises 4 key elements when developing this new style of aerodrome including vertiport design, obstacle limitation surfaces/ volume, visual aids and rescue and firefighting services (RFFS).
Other areas of discussions will include vertiport licencing, Safety Management Systems (SMS) and emergency planning/emergency orders.
We would like to ask stakeholders to give us their views.
Closes 20 September 2024
Dated: August 2024

CAA launches consultation on the Recognised Assessment Entity (Flightworthiness) Scheme Development & SAIL Mark policy
The CAA has launched its consultation on the proposed RAE(F) and SAIL Mark Policy, for UAS in the Specific Category. These policy proposals are linked to the UK SORA, which is also under consultation, here.
This consultation forms part of the UK Civil Aviation Authority’s (CAA) ongoing work to enable Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) to operate in UK Airspace in the Specific Category, a key component of the CAA Future of Flight Programme.
We would like stakeholders to give us their views.
Consultation closes 6 September 2024.
Dated: August 2024

CAA consultation on test site requirements for aviation innovators
The United Kingdom Civil Aviation Authority is looking to facilitate the development of safe and useful RPAS and AAM test sites, where market entrants can test and evaluate their products.
This document is the summary of the key findings of the consultation exercise conducted to understand innovators’ key requirements of test facilities for their novel products.
Further to these findings is a list of the next steps that the CAA intends to take to begin to meet them. 926 will be published shortly detailing the guidance to operators on the use of RNAV Substitution.
Dated: August 2024

Proposal to adopt the UK Specific Operations Risk Assessment (UK SORA) as AMC to UK Regulation (EU) 2019/947
We have launched a consultation on the UK’s proposals for Specific Operations Risk Assessments (SORA). SORA is a set of recommendations and guidelines for conducting a risk assessment and meeting the required target levels of safety, including ensuring compliance with regulations and standards.
The consultation is open until 6 September and we welcome your views.
Dated: July 2024

VTOL Battery Handling
This statement presents the UK Civil Aviation Authority’s (CAA) current position on battery handling rules for VTOL aircraft using battery power for propulsion.
This follows a call for input from industry that was open from 8 January to 9 February 2024.
The call for input and response documents can be found on the CAA Citizen Space website.
Dated: July 2024

Call for Action – Industry invitation to CAA Hydrogen Working Group
Our Hydrogen Challenge project will facilitate collaboration with industry and academia to improve understanding of hydrogen-related risks in aviation, identify gaps in regulations and policies, and propose new recommendations to develop net-zero regulations and policies.
In order to do this, we are establishing Hydrogen Working Group (H2Wos) to facilitate engagement, consultation, and collaboration between the CAA, industry, operator and academic stakeholders.
We invite stakeholders to apply to the working groups.
Dated: July 2024

Response to ‘Call for Input’: UK Flight Information Services Alignment with ICAO
In February 2024, we sought stakeholder views on aligning UK Flight Information Services with ICAO standards to support the Airspace Modernisation Strategy (AMS).
Feedback and our analysis are now available in the Engagement Response Document (ERD).
For more information and to view responses, visit the consultation page: CAA Consultations.
Dated: July 2024

Adoption of new Special Conditions in relation to Airworthiness of Part 21 aircraft
Following our consultation earlier this year on the adoption of new Special Conditions in relation to the Airworthiness of Part 21 aircraft, the CAA has now published twenty-one new Special Conditions and two Means of Compliance, on our website.
Posted: July 2024

Deviation for the Gulfstream GVIII-G700 fuel feed icing threat consultation
The UK CAA is consulting on a deviation request for a time limit deviation in relation to the reducing the level of risk from the fuel feed icing threat applicable to GVIII-G700 aircraft.
The online consultation includes consultation paper UK.DEV.E.0002, which sets out the full detail of the issue, Statement of Deviation and mitigating factors.
The consultation will close on 4 July 2024.
Posted: June 2024

Consultation on a Deviation for the Gulfstream GVIII-G700 UHT
The UK CAA is consulting on a deviation request, applicable to GVIII-G700 aircraft equipped with Rolls-Royce Deutschland BR700-730B2-14 engine and associated engine control system.
The online consultation includes consultation paper UK.DEV.E.0001, which sets out the full detail of the issue, Statement of Deviation and mitigating factors.
The consultation will close on 12 June 2024.
Posted: May 2024

Public engagement on changes to the Manchester Low Level Route (MLLR) launched
The UK Civil Aviation Authority is proposing changes to the Manchester Low-Level Route (MLLR) to enhance safety and access. This includes amending the area to Class G airspace, introducing a Restricted Area, raising the maximum altitude to 1500ft, and expanding the airspace eastward by 0.65 nautical miles.
Share your thoughts on our dedicated engagement website.
The public engagement closes on 15 July 2024
Posted: May 2024

Updates to the Air Operations Regulation (EU) 965/2012 – Call for feedback
This consultation updates on the following:
Aircraft tracking system – aeroplanes,
Location of an Aircraft in Distress – aeroplanes,
Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT),
Flight over water & survival equipment helicopters,
Life rafts, survival ELTs, and survival equipment on extended overwater flights,
Flight Data Monitoring (FDM) Programme
We invite stakeholders to give us your feedback, responses are requested by 30 April 2024. 
Dated: April 2024

CAP 764 Wind Turbine Policy Consultation
We are consulting on an update to CAP 764, CAA Policy and Guidelines on Wind Turbines.
Draft CAP 764 edition 7’s most significant change is to reorder text and introduce new chapters on specific topics.
The main drivers for change are incorporating a general permission for aviation obstacle lighting requirements for onshore and offshore wind turbines, previously published separately on the CAA web site, incorporation of international standards for wind turbines specified the International Electrotechnical Commission Technical Standard 61400-29:2023 as well as general editorial updates.
We invite stakeholders to give us your views, responses are requested by 23 May 2024.
Dated: March 2024

Statement of policy on penalties – Ch1 TA00
Following our consultation in December 2023, we published today our statement of policy on enforcement penalties under Chapter 1 of the Transport Act 2000 and a consultation response document. This statement of policy modernises and strengthens our enforcement toolkit, improving our approach to using our powers to impose financial penalties where appropriate.
Dated: March 2024

AMC & GM to UK Reg (EU) 748/2012 Part 21 SMS consultation
The UK Regulation (EU) No. 748/2012 has been amended to incorporate Safety Management Systems (SMS) in design and production organisations. This consultation document presents the proposed changes to the associated Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Guidance Material (GM).
These amendments are revised to introduce safety management principles and develop organisational culture for safety management and occurrence reporting.
Your feedback helps us understand any issues or improvements that can be made to our proposals.
To ensure we achieve the right level of compliance and guidance, we invite stakeholders to give us their views, responses are requested by 11 April 2024.
Dated: March 2024

Amendment to UK Regulation (EU) 139/2014
Revision of the rule related to the operation of higher code letter aircraft and the establishment of criteria for pavement overload operations.
The purpose of the consultation is to gain feedback from industry and the wider public on the proposed amendments to the Aerodromes Regulations to reflect the CAA’s previous work with ICAO.
We invite stakeholder to give us their views, responses are requested by 31 March 2024.
Dated: February 2024

Response to CAP 2601: UK Cost Sharing Flights: Advertising
Our consultation on UK Cost Sharing Flights: Advertising (CAP 2601) concentrated solely on the advertising element of the proposed changes to the cost sharing rules.?
We provided the GA community with an additional opportunity to input their views on the advertising of cost sharing flights through an additional consultation before the policy is finalised.
After consideration of the comments received, our revised policy proposal is explained on the consultation page.
Dated: February 2024

Consultation on the recognition of Atypical Air Environment’s
This consultation covers the Civil Aviation Authority’s proposed policy position on the recognition of atypical air environments for Unmanned Aircraft operations.
We invite stakeholder to give us their views, responses are requested by 2 April 2024.
Dated: February 2024

ICAO FIS Implementation Call for Input
Public Call for Input Engagement on the implementation of better alignment of UK Flight Information Services with International Civil Organisation (ICAO) Flight Information Service (FIS) in the UK.
This engagement supports the implementation of the Airspace Modernisation Strategy (AMS). We have an obligation to review and optimise our degree of alignment with ICAO provisions.
That allows us to demonstrate our air traffic services provision is complementary to that of our neighbouring states, thereby enhancing overall flight safety and providing an adaptable ‘Visual Flight Rules (VFR) or Instrument Flight Rules (IFR)’ solution to service recipients in Classes E and G airspace.
We invite stakeholders to give us your views, responses are requested by 29 March 2024.
Dated: February 2024

All Weather Operations and Fuel Planning Management Consultation
This consultation is to gain feedback on the proposed amendments to Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Guidance Material (GM) for:
The Air Operations Regulation (UK Reg (EU) 965/2012) (Air OPS);
The Aircrew Regulation (UK Reg (EU) 1178/2011) (FCL); and
The Aerodromes Regulation (UK Reg (EU) 139/2014) (ADR)
We invite stakeholders to give us your views, responses are requested by 10 April 2024.
Dated: February 2024

Vertiport Design Proposal for Existing Aerodromes
The CAA are consulting on aerodrome design where vertiports or areas for VTOL aircraft operations differ from that of traditional aerodromes. Comments from this consultation will inform our final design proposals that will form the requirements to supplement:
UK Reg (EU) No 139/2014 for certified aerodromes
CAP 168: Licensing of Aerodromes for licensed aerodromes
best practises for vertiport implementation at unlicensed aerodromes
The CAA defines a vertiport as a type of aerodrome or operating site that is used or intended to be used for the arrival, departure, and surface movement of VTOL aircraft.
We invite stakeholders to give us your views, responses are requested by 15 March 2024.  
Dated: January 2024

Call for Evidence for the Impact Assessment for proposed new Fuel/Energy Planning Management regulations
The UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has today launched it’s Call for Evidence for the Impact Assessment for proposed new Fuel/Energy Planning Management regulations.
The Civil Aviation Authority has previously consulted on its proposal to amend the Implementing Rules (IRs) to implement Fuel/Energy Planning Management requirements during the period 24 April – 25 May 2023.
We invite stakeholders to give us your views, responses are requested by 15 February 2024.  
Dated: January 2024

VTOL using battery for propulsion
This document presents UK Civil Aviation Authority’s (CAA) position on battery handling rules for VTOL aircraft using battery for propulsion.
It highlights the overall approach to battery handling for VTOL aircraft and is directed at operators of battery or hybrid powered VTOL aircraft, operations performed using battery powered aircraft, and aerodrome operators servicing such VTOL aircraft.
We invite stakeholders to give us your views, responses are requested by 2nd February 2024. 
Dated: January 2024

Prohibition of Supersonic, Transonic and Hypersonic Flight over land
Public Consultation on proposed changes to Rules of the Air Regulations UK Reg (EU) No 923/2012, SERA.5015 and SERA.5005.
We are proposing to make changes to the above Regulations to prohibit transonic, supersonic and hypersonic flights over land (VFR and IFR).
We invite stakeholders to give us your views, responses are requested by 7 February 2024.
Dated: January 2024

The CAA launches its second phase consultation on proposed updates to UK remote pilot competence
The CAA recently published an initial consultation on the future of remote pilot competence. The consultation was open from 5 of July 2023 to the 23 of August 2023 and received 112 detailed responses from a wide range of stakeholders.
This second consultation builds on the feedback the CAA received by providing a more detailed policy position.
We invite stakeholders to give us your feedback, responses are requested by 14 March 2024.
Dated: December 2023

TA00 – Consultation on a draft statement of policy on penalties
The CAA is consulting on a draft statement of policy on penalties to support our enforcement work under Chapter 1 of the Transport Act 2000 in the light of the changes introduced by section 10 of the Air Traffic Management and Unmanned Aircraft Act 2021. This consultation closes on 31 January 2024.
Dated: December 2023

Cyber Security Consultation- ISMS Regulation – Extended
Considering feedback received, we have now extended the deadline to give organisations more time to consider the proposals and provide a more comprehensive response.
The CAA, working with the DfT, is proposing to introduce a new regulation to help in the protection of UK aviation from cyber attacks.
The regulation will introduce new requirements on aviation organisations for the management of cyber security risks that could impact the safety and security of civil aviation.
Please refer to the consultation to access documents around this proposed regulation and to give your views as part of the public consultation.
Dated: December 2023

Review of UK UAS Regulations
Thank you again for responding to the CAA’s Call for Input on the Review of UK UAS Regulations.
The CAA have reviewed all feedback provided, and published a summary of responses.
The CAA have also published a consultation on proposals to improve UAS regulation, which have been informed by feedback provided to the Call for Input.
The Review of UK UAS Regulations consultation is open until 10th January 2024.
Dated: November 2023

2024/25 CAA Schemes of Charges Publication
Our Statutory charges FY24/25 consultation has now been published and explains our proposals for revisions to the existing CAA Charges Schemes, due to take effect from 1 April 2024.
We look forward to receiving feedback on these proposals, in particular from those we regulate.
We welcome comments on all aspects of the proposals, including the charges structure and the level of the charges. Please could you use the CAA Statutory Charge FY24/25 Consultation online submission form. The consultation closes at midnight on 15 January 2024.
Dated: November 2023

Consultation: UK Cost Sharing Flights – Advertising
The CAA has published a consultation on proposed changes to the regulations on advertising of cost sharing flights by private pilots.
We originally consulted on our proposed changes to cost sharing regulation in November 2021. As a result of responses to our first consultation, we have developed additional measures to regulate the advertising of cost sharing flights. These proposals are aimed at ensuring the public are able to make an informed choice when making arrangements online.
This consultation document concentrates solely on the advertising element of the proposed changes to the cost sharing rules.
We welcome your comments on the consultation by 30 November 2023.
Dated: November 2023

Cyber Security Consultation – ISMS Regulation
The CAA, working with the DfT, is proposing to introduce a new regulation to help in the protection of UK aviation from cyber attacks.
The regulation will introduce new requirements on aviation organisations for the management of cyber security risks that could impact the safety and security of civil aviation.
We have now published the UK ISMS (Information Security Management Systems) regulation consultation where you can access documents around this proposed regulation and to give your views as part of the public consultation.
The consultation closes on the 22 December 2023.
Posted: October 2023

ATM Regulatory Compliance and Interoperability
Regulation (EU) 552/2004 (the Interoperability Regulation) is repealed in full on 12 September 2023.
The CAA is consulting on an interim arrangement to continue to require ANSPs to provide documented evidence to demonstrate compliance with other Interoperability Regulations, ICAO Annexes, the Basic Regulation Essential Requirements, and other existing Means of Compliance in CAP 670, as part of the Air Navigation Order Article 205 approval process.
The revised arrangements are proposed to be published as a Supplementary Amendment to CAP 670.
Dated: July 2023

CAA test sites requirements consultation
The CAA is looking to facilitate the safe development of new aviation concepts in the United Kingdom. A key enabler of this ambition is the establishment of safe and useful test sites, where market entrants can test and evaluate their products.
To achieve this, we need the views of the aviation community to ensure sites have the characteristics that enable research aims to be achieved, and for us to learn about the technologies we will need to certify.
We have set up this online briefing session to give more details on the exercise aims and to launch an accompanying survey.
Posted: June 2023

Learning Objectives of Acceptable Means of Compliance related to UK Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011
Consultation now online: Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) related to UK Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 (the UK Aircrew Regulation)
The Civil Aviation Authority is proposing an update within the Learning Objectives (LO) of Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) related to UK Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011.
These amendments are to direct Training Providers and Students to the latest International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) documents related to the subject of the LOs stated within AMC1 FCL.310; FCL.515(b); FCL.615(b); FCL.825(d) Theoretical knowledge examinations.
Proposed replacement text is set out in each LO section of the online survey.
This consultation sets out the proposed changes. If you wish to comment, please respond online by 2 June 2023.
Posted: May 2023

All Weather Operations and Fuel/Energy Planning and Management
Consultation now online: All Weather Operations and Fuel/Energy Planning and Management
The CAA is inviting feedback on proposed amendments to:
The Air Operations Regulation (UK Reg (EU) 965/2012) (Air Ops);
The Aircrew Regulation (UK Reg (EU) 1178/2011) (FCL); and
The Aerodromes Regulation (UK Reg (EU) 139/2014) (ADR).
These include the requirements for All Weather Operations and Fuel/Energy Planning Management schemes.
This consultation sets out the proposed changes. If you wish to comment, please respond online by 25 May 2023.
Posted: April 2023

Consultation: Means of Compliance to Special Condition VTOL
Closing date extended to 5 May 2023

In response to a request from industry this consultation will now close on 5 May 2023:
UK Means of Compliance for Vertical Take-off and Landing aircraft under Special Condition VTOL Consultation
The UK CAA has opened a consultation on its proposal to introduce into its regulatory framework the MOC to SC VTOL by adoption of the materials developed in collaboration with EASA and the eVTOL industry.
If you wish to comment, please respond online by 5 May 2023: UK Means of Compliance for Vertical Take-off and Landing aircraft under Special Condition VTOL Consultation
We have sent this alert to the maintenance / engineers and manufacturers categories. This is a new area of work which may require new or modified skills or practices for maintenance staff in the future; while manufacturers may already be involved or may be planning to get involved in the eVTOL sector.
Posted: April 2023

Airspace change masterplan: scoping the environmental assessments
To ensure that environmental impact considerations are integrated into the development of the airspace change masterplan, the UK Civil Aviation Authority must ensure that the masterplan is subject to a strategic environmental assessment (SEA) and a Habitats Regulations assessment (HRA). These assessments are a legal requirement.
The first stage of each of these assessments is to decide what they must cover, including the approach we propose to use. You can give us your views via our consultation on our dedicated webpage. The consultation closes on 8 May 2023.
The masterplan is being developed by the Airspace Change Organising Group to coordinate the airspace changes that will upgrade and modernise UK airspace at a system level.
Dated: April 2023

Consultation: Means of Compliance to Special Condition VTOL
The UK CAA has opened a consultation on its proposal to introduce into its regulatory framework the MOC to SC VTOL by adoption of the materials developed in collaboration with EASA and the eVTOL industry.
If you wish to comment, please respond online by 21 April 2023: UK Means of Compliance for Vertical Take-off and Landing aircraft under Special Condition VTOL Consultation
We have sent this alert to the maintenance / engineers and manufacturers categories. This is a new area of work which may require new or modified skills or practices for maintenance staff in the future; while manufacturers may already be involved or may be planning to get involved in the eVTOL sector.
Dated: March 2023

Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 SMS in Part-145 and Occurrence Reporting
Consultation now open: Acceptable Means of Compliance & Guidance Material to UK Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 SMS in Part-145 and Occurrence Reporting
The CAA is proposing to amend UK Regulation (EU) No. 1321/2014 as regards safety management systems (SMS) in maintenance organisations and correcting that regulation.
This consultation presents the proposed changes to the Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Guidance Material (GM) material associated with the rule changes described above together with background and explanatory information regarding this consultation.
If you wish to comment, please respond online by 14 April 2023.
Dated: March 2023

Airspace Change Process Consultation CAP1616
The CAA has launched our consultation on proposals to modify the guidance on the regulatory process for airspace change, known as CAP1616.
On first publication in 2018, the CAA committed to review the CAP1616 process three years after its implementation. The review gives the CAA the opportunity to reflect on the lessons learned and make further improvements to the airspace change process.
You can respond to the consultation at our dedicated website.
The consultation closes on 5 March 2023.
Dated: January 2023

AMC & GM consultations: UK Regulations (EU) 748/2012 and (EU) 1321/2014
The CAA is amending UK Regulation (EU) No. 748/2012, including amendment and correction of Annex I (Part 21) and UK Regulation (EU) No. 1321/2014, including revision and correction of Part-M, Part-145, Part-T, Part-ML, Part-CAMO and Part-CAO as regards maintenance data and the installation of certain aircraft components during maintenance.
We have opened two related consultations:
Acceptable Means of Compliance & Guidance Material to UK Regulation (EU) 748/2012: Annex I (Part-21)
Acceptable Means of Compliance & Guidance Material to UK Regulation (EU) 1321/2014: Maintenance data and component installation
If you wish to comment, please respond online by 11 February 2023.
Dated: January 2023

UK Cost Sharing Flights: Consultation response
As part of our review of cost sharing regulations we produced a consultation which set out our proposals for change and our rationale. The consultation asked five specific questions and invited comments on the overall proposal.
After consideration of the comments received, some of the proposed regulation changes were amended. We have now published our response and explained our rationale in the full Comment Response Document
Dated: December 2022

Regulation (EU) 965/2012
Acceptable Means of Compliance & Guidance Material to UK Regulation (EU) 965/2012: Air Operations
This Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) & Guidance Material (GM) consultation relates to the amendments to the Implementing Rules (IRs) in UK Regulation 965/2012 in the 2021 SI which apply to CAT Operators. However, they may be taken into account by non-commercial operations.
The AMC and GM cover several areas including:
The conduct of alcohol testing during RAMP inspections;
operator responsibilities towards the prevention of a person boarding an aircraft when under the influence of a psychoactive substance and behaving in such a way as to endanger safety;
operator responsibilities for the development and implementation of a policy and associated procedures for the prevention and detection of misuse of psychoactive substances by crew members and other safety-sensitive personnel; and
operator provision of a support programme for flight crew.
If you wish to comment on this consultation, please respond online by 6 February 2023.
Dated: December 2022

AMC & GM consultation: Regulation (EU) 1321/2014
This Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) & Guidance Material (GM) consultation relates to the articles within UK Regulation (EU) 1321/2014, on the continuing airworthiness of aircraft and aeronautical products, parts and appliances.
The material being consulted on contains amendments to the AMC to Part-M (M.A.501), Part-145 (145.A.42), and Part-ML (ML.A.501) Continuing Airworthiness.
We propose to continue our existing policy to recognise certain EASA Form 1s as equivalent to CAA Form 1s in certain limited circumstances.
If you wish to comment on this consultation, please respond online by 5 December 2022.
Dated: November 2022

23/24 CAA Scheme of Charges Publication
Our Statutory Charges FY23/24 consultation has now been published and explains our proposals for revisions to the existing CAA Charges Schemes, due to take effect from 1 April 2023.
We look forward to receiving feedback on these proposals, in particular from those we regulate.
We welcome comments on all aspects of the proposals, including the charges structure and the level of the charges. Please could you use the CAA Statutory Charge FY23/24 Consultation online submission form. The consultation closes at midnight on 16 January 2023.
Dated: November 2022

Airspace Modernisation Strategy Consultation Outcome
The vision of the CAA’s Airspace Modernisation Strategy (AMS) is to deliver quicker, quieter and cleaner journeys and more capacity for the benefit of those who use and are affected by UK airspace.
At the beginning of this year the CAA consulted on a refreshed AMS, extending its scope out to 2040. We have considered responses and continued engaging with those with a particular interest in the AMS. Our consultation response document explains how we are taking your views into account. You can read the responses and a consultation response document.
We plan to publish the refreshed AMS early in 2023. Find out more about the strategy.
Dated: November 2022

Deviation Request UK.ETSO-C90dA1.Dev.001
The UK CAA is consulting on a deviation request to CS-ETSO in accordance with the provisions of Part 21.A.610.
The consultation paper and details of how to respond are available online: Deviation Request UK.ETSO-C90dA1.Dev.001 for a UKTSO Authorisation for CS-ETSO applicable Cargo Pallets, Nets and Containers (Unit Load Devices)
This consultation will close on 25 October 2022.
Posted: October 2022

Consultation on BCAR – Section S – Small Light Aeroplanes
The CAA has published a consultation on proposed changes to CAP482; BCAR – Section S – Small Light Aeroplanes.
BCAR Section S is the main certification code for UK microlight aeroplanes up to 600 kg (650 kg for amphibian or floatplane) and specifies the initial airworthiness requirements as well as acceptable means of compliance.
The proposed changes follow on from the 2021 revision of the UK microlight aeroplane definition that incorporated the new 600kg microlight classification into law.
Changes of note include an increase in occupant weight limits, recovery from unintentional spins, flight and ground loads, as well as parachute recovery systems.
The consultation will close at 11:59pm on Friday 19 August 2022.
Dated: July 2022

Consultation – AMG & GM to UK Regulation (EU) 2019/947 
The CAA is consulting on the Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material to UK Regulation (EU) 2019/947 and would like your opinion.
The purpose of this consultation is to provide input from a larger breadth of expertise and experience than contained within the CAA alone. There is also a legal requirement to consult when creating or amending AMC and GM, due to the legal status of these documents. Please follow the link below to the consultation page.
Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material to UK Regulation (EU) 2019/947 – Civil Aviation Authority – Citizen Space (
Dated: July 2022

Air Traffic Management and Unmanned Aircraft Act 2021 Part 1: Enforcement Guidance and Statement of Policy on Penalties
Part 1 of the Air Traffic Management and Unmanned Aircraft Act gave the CAA new roles and powers in relation to the Secretary of State’s powers to give a direction to “a person involved in airspace change” requiring them to progress or co-operate in an airspace change where doing so will assist in the delivery of the CAA’s Airspace Modernisation Strategy.
Having sought your views on a draft Statement of Policy on Penalties, we have now published CAP 2431, our Enforcement Guidance in respect of these new powers. Our consultation website explains how we took your views into account.
Dated: April 2022

Reminder: Draft Airspace Modernisation Strategy Consultation
Modernisation of UK airspace, delivering quicker, quieter and cleaner journeys, is long overdue. Don’t forget to give us your views on our draft Airspace Modernisation Strategy, which has been refreshed to:
extend the strategy to 2040
focus on integrating all airspace users with simpler airspace design and supporting regulations
introduce sustainability as an overarching principle across all modernisation activities
align with the ICAO Global Air Navigation Plan and provide a clear strategic path for rulemaking, now the UK has left the EU and EASA.
Please use the online consultation to give us your views before 4 April 2022.
Dated: March 2022

ATUMA: Enforcement Guidance and Draft Statement of Policy on Penalties
The Air Traffic Management and Unmanned Aircraft (ATMUA) Act in April 2021. As part of this, the CAA has new roles and powers in relation to the Secretary of State’s powers to direct “a person involved in airspace change” to progress or cooperate in an airspace change.
We have now published our Enforcement Guidance covering the powers brought about by the Act and are we seeking your views on our draft Statement of Policy on Penalties.  Responses can be submitted via our online consultation.
The consultation will close on 03 March 2022.
Dated: December 2021

Statutory charges FY22/23: Consultation
Our Statutory charges FY22/23 consultation has now been published and explains our proposals for revisions to the existing CAA Charges Schemes, due to take effect from 1 April 2022.
We look forward to receiving feedback on these proposals, in particular from those we regulate.
We welcome comments on all aspects of the proposals, including the charges structure and the level of the charges.
Please could you use the CAA Statutory Charge FY22/23 Consultation online submission form. The consultation closes at midnight on the 3 February 2022
Dated: November 2021

The CAA has published the process that will be used in developing aviation policy and legislation in the UK.
The CAA has published the process that will be used in developing aviation policy and legislation in the UK. The process involves coordinated activity between the CAA and the DfT and will be used in the development of aviation legislation, certification specifications and other detailed specifications, acceptable means of compliance and guidance material.

Information about projects that are being developed under the process will appear in a policy and legislative project tracker published on UK aviation safety policy | UK Civil Aviation Authority (  The tracker shows the status of each project that has been initiated, how we intend to consult with stakeholders during the process and key documents related to each project. The tracker will updated as new projects are initiated and completed.
Dated: August 2021

Airspace Classification Review – Cotswold Report 2021
As part of the Airspace Classification Review procedure, the UK Civil Aviation Authority has published a report that provides a factual overview of the intelligence we have gathered to date on the Cotswold Region and are now inviting those stakeholders familiar with this region to provide feedback on our initial findings through an online survey
Please visit our website for more details or our dedicated consultation website to participate in this survey. We are asking for comments before 30 September 2021 and we cannot commit to taking into account comments received after this date.
Dated: August 2021

UK Civil Aviation Authority launches consultation on proposed changes to CAP 553 (BCAR Section A, A3-7 and A8-26) 
The UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has today published a consultation on proposed changes to the following chapters of CAP 553 (BCAR Section A):
Chapter A3-7: Permit to Fly Aircraft – Initial and Continuing Airworthiness
Chapter A8-26: Approval of Organisations Supporting Recreational Aviation
We are inviting stakeholders to comment on the proposed amendments to CAP 553 (BCAR Section A). The consultation will close on 27 May 2021
Dated: April 2021

UK Civil Aviation Authority launches consultation on proposed changes to CAP 553 (BCAR Section A, A8-21, A8-23 and A8-24)
The UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has today published a consultation on proposed changes to the following chapters of CAP 553 (BCAR Section A):
Chapter A8-21. Approval of Organisations Responsible for Design or Production
Chapter A8-23: Approval of Organisations Responsible for Maintenance and Restoration of Non-Part-21 Aircraft
Chapter A8-24: Approval of Organisations Responsible for Maintenance and Restoration of Non-Part-21 Aircraft below 5700kg, or Single Engine Helicopters, not used for Commercial Air Transport or State Purposes
We are inviting stakeholders to comment on the proposed amendments to CAP 553 (BCAR Section A).
The consultation will close on 27 May 2021
Posted: April 2021

Statutory charges FY21/22: Consultation
Our Statutory charges FY21/22 consultation has now been published and explains our proposals for revisions to the existing CAA Charges Schemes, due to take effect from 1 April 2021.
We look forward to receiving feedback on these proposals, in particular from those we regulate.
We welcome comments on all aspects of the proposals, including the charges structure and the level of the charges.  Please could you use the CAA Statutory Charge FY21/22 Consultation online submission form. The consultation closes at midnight on 4 February 2021.
Dated: November 2020

Reviewing airspace classification
On 1 December 2020 the CAA will introduce a new procedure to review and, where appropriate, amend the classification of airspace. The classification determines the flight rules that apply in that airspace and the procedures that must be followed.
Give us your views on a draft of this new procedure by visiting our consultation website before 17 September 2020.
Dated: June 2020

Deadline extension: Public engagement on accepting the Airspace Change Masterplan
The UK Civil Aviation Authority has made the decision to extend the deadline of our public engagement on the proposed criteria that the Civil Aviation Authority will use to determine whether to accept the Airspace Change Masterplan. This will allow stakeholders a greater opportunity to input into the engagement exercise despite the disruption caused by Coronavirus.
The public engagement exercise will now close on 27 May 2020.
Dated: March 2020

Public engagement on the criteria for assessing and accepting the Airspace Change Masterplan
As part of the CAA’s Airspace Modernisation Strategy, CAA and the Department for Transport (DfT), have commissioned NERL to establish an impartial team known as the Airspace Change Organising Group (ACOG) to lead the programme to create a coordinated implementation plan for airspace changes in Southern UK. This is being referred to as the Masterplan for short.
We are seeking your views on the criteria that the CAA will use to determine whether to accept the Airspace Change Masterplan into the Airspace Modernisation Strategy.
See our public engagement exercise for more information and respond online before 27 March 2020.
Dated: February 2020

Minimum Requirements for Noise Modelling
We believe that it is appropriate to specify the minimum acceptable level of sophistication of noise modelling required for us to carry out our duties, to provide clarity to sponsors and stakeholders about the methodology they should use and therefore reduce ambiguity, and to provide consistency across different groups of airports.
We are now seeking views on our proposed minimum acceptable levels.
The consultation is open until 4 March 2020.
Dated: January 2020

Update on the Gatwick Route 4 PIR
We have now published a draft report of our Post Implementation Review (PIR) of Gatwick Airport Limited’s Route 4 RNAV-1 SID Airspace Change Proposal.
We are now asking you to comment on the draft report’s findings. The objective of this is to ensure that we have not missed, misunderstood or misinterpreted any relevant matters.
See our dedicated consultation website for more information.
Respond online before 3 February 2020.
Dated: January 2020

Using UK National Permit to Fly aeroplanes and amateur-built microlights for initial pilot training
We have launched two consultations, to propose extending paid-for initial (Ab initio) pilot training to be conducted using certain aeroplanes which hold a UK national Permit to Fly (PtF) and amateur-built microlights, to those trainees that are not owners of the aircraft.
Closing date: 17th February 2020
Aeroplane Consultation
Microlight Consultation
Dated: January 2020

Outcome of our consultation on a decision-making process for PPR proposals
In May 2019 we sought views on a new decision-making process for PPR proposals – air traffic control operational procedure changes that give rise to a planned and permanent redistribution of air traffic.
We have now published a document explaining how we have taken consultation responses into account in refining the process that we will publish in a new third edition of CAP 1616 in January 2020. For more information please visit our dedicated consultation website.
Dated: December 2019

Airspace classification review
On 30 October 2019 the Secretary of State for Transport wrote to the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) to amend the 2017 Air Navigation Directions to give us a new requirement to review the classification of airspace.
We are now beginning the first airspace classification review and we would like your help.
Click here to see our consultation for more information and respond online before 3 March 2020.
Dated: December 2019

Consultation on CAA charges
We’re consulting on proposed amendments to our statutory charges, due to take effect from 1 April 2020.
The online consultation will close on 7 February 2020.
Dated: December 2019

A Post Consultation Report has now been compiled to address & answer the received comments from industry.
CAP 1649 – Air Traffic Safety Electronics Personnel – Training & Competence Post Consultation Report (Edition March 2019) was issued for industry consultation on 4th April 2019 and closed on 31st May 2019. The CAA received 68 comments from 18 different stakeholders during the consultation period.
Dated: August 2019

Class E ATS procedures: Consultation report
This report covers the outcomes of the consultation on Class E airspace ATS procedures and the associated implementation plan.
Dated: May 2019

Consultation on a decision-making process for PPR proposals
Last October the Government gave the CAA, as airspace regulator, a decision-making role for a wholly new category of airspace change, which will sit alongside our existing CAP 1616 airspace change process. This category is known as a planned and permanent redistribution of air traffic through changes in air traffic control operational procedure, or PPR for short.
We are seeking your views on a process for making decisions on PPR proposals.
Respond online before 7 July 2019
Dated: May 2019

UK Drone Registration Scheme
A consultation is now open on the proposed charge for the new UK drone operator registration scheme. This will become law at the end of November 2019.
Consultation closes 7 June 2019
Dated: April 2019

SERA VMC Minima Consultation
The CAA is consulting on changes to VMC minima in class D airspace and the means to best mitigate these. We are proposing changes to Special VFR procedures in order to support UK compliance with SERA.5001. The change will mean that SERA.5001 will be adopted in full.
Consultation closes 31st May 2019
Dated: April 2019

Consultation: Air Traffic Safety Electronics Personnel – Training & Competence
A new publication for Air Traffic Safety Electronics Personnel (ATSEP), Training Organisations and Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs) is now available for comment.
It aims to help interpret Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/373 Annex XIII pertaining to ATSEP training and competence assessments, including United Kingdom requirements for limited certificate holder ANSPs.
We welcome a review of the proposed publication.
The consultation will close on 31 May 2019.
Posted: April 2019

Consultation: Air Traffic Safety Electronics Personnel – Training & Competence
A new publication for Air Traffic Safety Electronics Personnel (ATSEP), Training Organisations and Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs) is now available for comment.
It aims to help interpret Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/373 Annex XIII pertaining to ATSEP training and competence assessments, including United Kingdom requirements for limited certificate holder ANSPs.
We welcome a review of the proposed publication.
The consultation will close on 31 May 2019
Dated: April 2019

Electronic Conspicuity: Call for evidence
The UK Civil Aviation Authority is calling for evidence over Electronic Conspicuity (EC).
EC has the potential to unlock safety benefits and save lives by reducing the likelihood of infringements and mid-air collisions.
We would like you to consider the suggested approach and provide responses to six core questions.
Dated: March 2019

Consultation on CAA statutory charges 2019/20
We are currently consulting on our statutory charge proposals for 2019/20.
All comments must be received before the consultation closes on 7 February 2019.
Dated: November 2018

Drone registration consultation
To enable us to build a drone registration service that meets drone user requirements we are running a consultation on how people currently use drones. To help us with this please fill out our survey at
We’re also running workshops in London over the next few weeks where we will be looking to gain a deeper understanding of what is needed for the service. If you are available to come along please sign up on at
If you can’t make these sessions, but are interested in helping us build this service, please email: [email protected]
Dated: November 2018

Review of CAA policy on the training, qualification and licensing of FISOs
We are seeking views on a series of concept proposals for future CAA policy on the training, qualification and licensing of UK flight information service officers (FISOs).
The consultation was launched on 17th September and closes at 2359 on 7th December
Dated: November 2018

Consultation on CAP 670 amendment
CAA’s proposed update to CAP 670 takes into account ICAO Annex amendments, updates to European legislation and guidance as well as minor editorial changes resulting, for example, from updates to the Air Navigation Order 2016 legislation and links to further information.
We invite stakeholders to review the proposed changes and provide comment on the accuracy, clarity or relevance of any of the proposed changes and to highlight any other editorial changes that may help improve the document.
The consultation will close on 31 January 2019.
Dated: November 2018

Consultation: Non-EASA fleet aircraft seat harness / belt lives
The CAA wishes to consult with key elements of the non-EASA GA Continued Airworthiness community on the most appropriate means to assure the integrity of seat harnesses and belts.
The CAA considers that whilst introducing mandatory replacement lives for harnesses could be considered a means to ensure that an acceptable residual strength is retained, there is a diversity of components, installations and factors affecting degradation which are likely to make it a considerable challenge.
The consultation is open until 1 January 2019
Dated: October 2018

FISO training, qualification and licensing review
We are seeking views on a series of concept proposals for future CAA policy on the training, qualification and licensing of UK flight information service officers (FISOs).
Dated: September 2018

CAA response on EASA NPA 2018-04 – Helicopter emergency medical services
The CAA has published a response on the EASA Notice of Proposed Amendment NPA 2018-04 which relates to helicopter emergency medical services performance and public interest sites.
Read our response to the NPA
Read NPA 2018-04 on the EASA website.
The CAA website has details of all our responses to external consultations
Dated: September 2018

Consultation open – Combat Training Airspace ACP
The consultation for the Combat Air Training Airspace airspace change proposal has commenced, with views invited until 10 September 2018.
Further documentation related to this proposal can be found on our website.
Dated: August 2018

Draft Airspace Modernisation Strategy
We have today published our draft Airspace Modernisation Strategy for stakeholder feedback, and welcome comments by Monday 10 September 2018.
Dated: July 2018

CAA response on EASA NPA 2017-21 – Remote tower operations
The CAA has published a response on the EASA Notice of Proposed Amendment NPA 2017-21 which relates to the technical and operational requirements for remote tower operations.
Read our response to the NPA.
Read NPA 2017-21 on the EASA website.
Dated: April 2018

CAA response on NPA 2017-19
The CAA has published a response on the EASA Notice of Proposed Amendment NPA 2017-19 which relates to the installation of parts and appliances that are released without an EASA Form 1 or equivalent.
Read our response to the NPA which includes an attachment.
Read EASA NPA 2017-19
Dated: March 2018

CAA response on NPA 2017-22 – Updating Part-MED and related AMC and GM
The CAA has published comments on the EASA Notice of Proposed Amendment NPA 2017-22 which relates to updating Part-MED and related Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Guidance Material (GM).
Read EASA NPA 2017-22.
Dated: March 2018

Consultation: Market Conditions for Terminal Air Navigation Services
The CAA published today its draft advice to the Secretary of State, for consultation, on market conditions for terminal air navigation services in the UK. The CAA’s draft advice is that the provision of these services is subject to market conditions. This consultation closes on 12 March 2018.
This and other relevant documents for this review are available here.
Dated: February 2018

CAA response to EASA NPA 2017-17
The CAA has published a comment on the EASA Notice of Proposed Amendment NPA 2017-17.
The purpose of this NPA is to develop a harmonised set of flight time limitation (FTL) rules for CAT emergency medical services by aeroplanes and helicopters and the update and harmonisation of FTL for CAT by aeroplane for air taxi operations and single-pilot operations.
Dated: February 2018

EASA NPA 2017-21 Remote Tower Operations
EASA has recently launched a consultation on NPA 2017-21 Technical and operational requirements for remote tower operations.
Stakeholders are asked to respond to this consultation in the manner indicated in the text.
This consultation should not be confused with the CAA consultation on the draft policy for the approval of aerodrome remote towers which should be responded too independently of the above EASA consultation.
Dated: December 2017

CAA response to EASA NPA 2017-15
The CAA has published a response to the EASA Notice of Proposed Amendment (NPA) 2017-15  – Non ETOPS operations using performance class A aeroplanes with a maximum operational passenger seating configuration of 19 or less.
Dated: December 2017

CAA response to EASA NPA 2017-10
The CAA has published a response to the EASA Notice of Proposed Amendment (NPA) 2017-10  – Software assurance level requirements for safety assessment of changes to air traffic management / air navigation services functional systems.
Dated: December 2017

Consultation on the draft policy for the approval of aerodrome remote towers
We are inviting industry stakeholders to comment on the CAA’s draft policy for the approval of aerodrome remote towers.
The consultation runs from 13 December 2017 to 26 January 2018. The CAA will publish the outcome of the consultation on conclusion, and will then publish the policy itself on 26 February 2018.
Dated: December 2017

Consultation on CAA statutory charges 2018/19
Closing Date: 8 February 2018
Posted: November 2017

Call recording at Flight Information Service (FIS) aerodromes
We are consulting on the proposal to modify the requirement for CAP 670 FISO recording, which would require all Flight Information Service (FIS) units to ensure that two-way radiotelephony recording is implemented.
Closing Date: 14 February 2018
Posted: November 2017

Terminal Air Navigation Services (TANS) in the UK: Call for evidence
We are calling for evidence regarding the Terminal Air Navigation Services (TANS) in the UK. This is to assist and advise the Secretary of State for Transport on whether market conditions continue to exist, as set out under Article 3 of the European Regulation No 391/2013.
Closing Date: 8 December 2017
Posted: November 2017

CAA response on NPA 2017-14
The CAA has commented on EASA NPA 2017-14, certification specifications and guidance material for the design of surface-level VFR heliports located at aerodromes that fall under the scope of Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 (CS-HPT-DSN Issue 1).
Dated: November 2017

Guidance for NERL in preparing its business plan for Reference Period 3: consultation document
We are seeking views on the CAA’s proposed guidance to NERL in preparing its Business Plan for Reference Period 3.
All comments must be received before 10 November 2017.
Dated: October 2017

CAA response on EASA NPA 2017-05 (A) & (B) – UAS operations
The CAA has published a response to the EASA Notice of Proposed Amendment NPA 2017-05 (A) & (B) titled ‘Unmanned aircraft system operations in the open and specific category’.
Dated: September 2017

CAA response on EASA NPA 2017-13 – Update of flight simulation training devices requirements
The CAA has published a response on EASA Notice of Proposed Amendment NPA 2017-13 Update of flight simulation training devices requirements – Upset prevention and recovery training, FSTD inspector competencies framework, training matrix.
Dated: September 2017

CAA response on EASA NPA 2017-11 – Integrated modular avionics
The CAA has published a response to the EASA Notice of Proposed Amendment NPA 2017-11 titled Integrated Modular Avionics – Phase 2.
Dated: September 2017

Notification of receipt of ACP consultation feedback report and formal ACP submission
The CAA has received a copy of the Edinburgh ACP Second Consultation Feedback Report relating to the proposed SIDs, Arrival Transitions (and associated hold) airspace change proposal. The report can be found on our website under ‘Sponsor’s external feedback report on second consultation – Issue 1’.
Edinburgh Airport has also formally submitted its Airspace Change Proposal to introduce new SIDs, Arrival Transitions (and associated hold) and GNSS approaches. The proposal has now entered Stage 5 of the Airspace Change Process. Following regulatory assessment, if the change is approved, a CAA decision will be published on our website with an associated SkyWise notification.
Dated: August 2017

Noise impacts survey
We are looking at how we can influence the aviation industry’s noise performance, and we would like to hear from people impacted by aviation noise to get a better understanding of what you would like us to do about noise.
We intend to use this information to inform how we use our existing powers to improve noise performance in the coming years. If we believe that we, or another organisation, need more powers to influence the things that matter most to people, we will explain why this is the case when we publish a response.
Dated: July 2017

CAA response on EASA NPA 2017-03 – In flight recording for light aircraft
The CAA has published a response to the EASA Notice of Proposed Amendment  NPA consultation 2017-03 ‘In Flight Recording for Light Aircraft’.
Dated: July 2017

CAA response to DfT airspace consultation
The CAA has today published its response to the DfT’s consultation on reforming policy on the design and use of UK airspace.
Dated: June 2017

CAA Consultation Launched on Airspace Change Process Guidance
We have launched a consultation on the draft guidance document that supports the new process for assessing airspace changes. We welcome your views.
Dated: March 2017

Exeter Airport – airspace change consultation
Exeter Airport has launched a consultation on their proposal to establish controlled airspace, running from 9 March 2017 to 9 June 2017.
View our page on Exeter Airport’s proposal
Dated: March 2017

Outcome of revised Airspace Change process consultation
Dated: October 2016

Review of the Framework for the competence of rescue and fire fighting service (RFFS) personnel
Dated: October 2016

Operating resilience of the UK’s aviation infrastructure
We have today launched a consultation aimed at supporting the commitment in our strategic plan to think creatively about how existing capacity can be planned and operated to meet stakeholders’ expectations.

The UK has some of the busiest and most productive airports in the world, facing many challenges in maintaining day to day operating resilience. It will be at least 2025 before any new runway capacity in the South East of England will be opened, so the aviation industry must continue to work towards making existing infrastructure more resilient.
Dated: June 2016

Access to the ground handling market at UK airports
We are seeking views and relevant factual information from those with an interest in the provision of ground handling services at UK airports. We are looking for facts, examples, information and stakeholders’ views on the factors we should take into account when carrying out our functions under the Airports (Groundhandling) Regulations 1997. As part of this request we have produced an online review of the CAA’s approach to access to the ground handling market at UK airports, as well as a full, detailed consultation document.
Please provide any written submissions to economic [email protected] by 28 June 2016.

Response to ANO review consultation
Today we published the response to the ANO review consultation.
Dated: May 2016

Consultation opens on the implementation of controlled airspace in Southend
Following the introduction of controlled airspace at Southend in April 2015 the CAA is now conducting a post implementation review of the change to assess whether it has met its aims. If you have any feedback on the airspace introduction please respond to our consultation, which is open until 14th May 2016
Dated: April 2016

Major consultation launched on airspace change process
All interested parties are being invited to input into a CAA consultation on how decisions are made on future changes to the UK’s airspace structure. The consultation is based on a series of proposals aimed at making the UK’s airspace change process more transparent and effective. The consultation is open until 15 June
Dated: March 2016

Automated Met Observations Trials Consultation
The CAA is asking for feedback on the Automated Met Observations trial that is running until 31 March 2016 at Heathrow, Stansted, Luton, Glasgow, Cardiff, Bristol and Edinburgh.

Trials Consultation Letter  Trial Details AIC Y 069/2015

Dated: January 2016