Air Traffic Control

CAA SkyWise on Air Traffic Control


CAP 493 SI: Clarification of reduced separation
Supplementary Instruction (SI) 2024/03 to the Manual of Air Traffic Services (MATS) Part 1 (CAP 493), was published on 13 September 2024, effective 13 September 2024.
The purpose of this SI is to clarify provisions concerning the application of reduced separation in the vicinity of an aerodrome, and to clarify the requirement concerning the provision of recommended wake turbulence separation minima.
Dated: September 2024

CAP 493 SI 2024-02: Replacement of ORS 4 Nos. 1576 & 1577
Supplementary Instruction SI 2024/02 to the Manual of Air Traffic Services Part 1 (CAP 493) was published on 9 August 2024, effective 9 August 2024.
The purpose of this Supplementary Instruction (SI) is to update references to Official Record Series (ORS) 4 Nos. 1576 and 1577 within the CAP 493 to ORS 4 Nos. 1603 and 1604 respectively.
Dated: August 2024

Supplementary Instructions – Distress and Diversion Cell – CAP 797 SI 2024/01 and CAP 493 SI 2024/01
Supplementary Instruction SI 2024/01 to the Manual of Air Traffic Services Part 1, Supplementary Instruction SI 2024/01 to the Flight Information Service Officer Manual was published on 19 July 2024, effective 19 July 2024.
The purpose of these Supplementary Instructions (SIs) to the Manual of Air Traffic Services (MATS) Part 1 and Flight Information Service Officer’s (FISO) Manual (CAP 797) is to clarify the role of the United Kingdom’s Distress and Diversion (D&D) Cell.
The Skywise alert for SW2024/182 was issued 22 July, this email notification has been resent.
Dated: July 2024

UK Wake Turbulence Categorisation Database
The CAA has published an amended version of its wake turbulence categorisation database. The database should be used by ATC service providers in conjunction with the wake turbulence categories in Appendix B to the MATS Part 1 (CAP 493) to determine the required wake turbulence separation.
Version 6 of the database is now available to download and effective on publication.
Dated: May 2024

Update to UK CAA website content – Human Factors Fatigue
The UK CAA has updated Human Factors web pages on fatigue management.
In addition to the updated pages, a page has been created that advises on fatigue in air traffic management, providing resources and information on the regulations around fatigue for air traffic controllers.
Dated: April 2024

CAP413 editions
Due to publication issues, Edition 24 of CAP413 has been withdrawn; Edition 23.1 and its associated supplementary instructions remains valid.  Edition 24 will be released in due course.
Dated: April 2024

Statement of policy on penalties – Ch1 TA00
Following our consultation in December 2023, we published today our statement of policy on enforcement penalties under Chapter 1 of the Transport Act 2000 and a consultation response document. This statement of policy modernises and strengthens our enforcement toolkit, improving our approach to using our powers to impose financial penalties where appropriate.
Dated: March 2024

Cyber Security Guidance for Innovators
We have published CAP2973; Cyber Security Guidance for Innovators for innovators in aviation when considering cyber security as part of the development process.
Dated: March 2024

New infringement occurrence narrative: Newcastle CTA
A new occurrence narrative covers an infringement of Newcastle Control Areas (CTA-4 and 5). It features the air traffic controller’s observations and the pilot’s report, along with a summary of causal factors and guidance to focus on.
This includes a Newcastle FMC area guide, which has been added the Airspace & Safety Initiative series.
Dated: March 2024

Airspace Safety: New Frequency Monitoring Code Area Guides
New guides have been added to the Airspace & Safety Initiative series of Frequency Monitoring Code (FMC) area guides:
Birmingham FMC Guide
Bristol FMC Guide
Gatwick FMC Guide
Working with members of the Local Airspace Infringements Teams they highlight areas of operation for each code to help planning. The series also includes ManchesterSouthampton and Solent, and Stansted.
Dated: February 2024

ROCC ‘Flight Safety Message’ requirement
To remind Radio Operator’s Certificate of Competence (ROCC) holders of the requirement to pass urgent flight safety messages we have published a Supplementary Amendment to CAP452 – Aeronautical Radio Station Operator’s Guide (SA 2024/01) and Safety Notice (SN-2024/001).
CAP 452 SA 2024/01: ROCC ‘Flight Safety Message’ requirement
SN 2024/001: ‘Flight Safety Messages’ Requirement
ROCC holders are also reminded of the previously published CAP 452 SA 2022/01: Update to requirements for ROCC Holders.
We have also updated our Radio Operator’s Certificate of Competence guidance to include more detail on the purpose of the ROCC and the holder’s responsibilities.
This action has been taken following an Air Accident Investigation Branch (AAIB) investigation into an accident and subsequent discussions between the AAIB and UK Civil Aviation Authority.
Dated: February 2024

Call for Volunteers: Electronic Conspicuity User Study
The UK Civil Aviation Authority, in partnership with Baringa and QinetiQ, is hosting virtual workshops in February to discuss Electronic Conspicuity (EC) device use. The sessions will look at how EC is used to detect airborne threats and how decisions are made to avoid airborne collisions.
We are looking for volunteers who are operationally qualified users from the following categories:
Specific and Certified Category RPAS Operators
Air Traffic Service Controllers
Commercial fixed and rotary wing flight crews
GA fixed and rotary wing flight crews
GA crews not routinely in receipt of air traffic services during flight, e.g., gliding, paragliding, hang gliding, ballooning
Participants cannot not have any connection to an EC manufacturer.
If you are interested in attending a workshop please email your name, contact details and which of the categories you fall under to: [email protected]
Dated: January 2024

Publication of CAP 2331 replaces CAP 584 and 1251
Air Traffic Controllers Licensing and Training (CAP 2331) provides one publication covering Air Traffic Controllers Licensing and Training.
It replaces ‘CAP 1251 Air Traffic Controllers – Licensing’ and ‘CAP 584 Air Traffic Controllers – Training’, which will be withdrawn but remain available for information until CAP 2331 becomes effective. A table of comparison, showing where paragraphs from CAP 584 and CAP 1251 have been incorporated into CAP 2331 has also been published.
Dated: January 2024

Guidance to the smaller Air Navigation Service providers in demonstrating compliance with the Aeronautical Data requirements in UK Regulation (EU) 2017/373, Part ATM/ANS.OR Subpart A.
UK Regulation (EU) 2017/373, Part ATM/ANS.OR Subpart A was amended to include Aeronautical Data requirements.
These requirements have been included within Issue 6 of the Annex III compliance matrices. ANSPs are requested to complete and submit the updated Annex III compliance matrices to [email protected] as soon as possible.
To assist the smaller ANSPs in meeting this requirement related Aeronautical Data Guidance Material is also available on the CAA Web site.
Dated: November 2023

Manual of Air Traffic Services (MATS) Part 1: Edition 11
The Manual of Air Traffic Services (MATS) Part 1 (CAP493) edition 11 is now published.
The effective date is 28 December 2023.
Dated: October 2023

Economic regulation of NATS (En Route) plc: Final Decision for the NR23 price control review
We have published our Final Decision for the NR23 price control review, setting out UK en route, London Approach and Oceanic price controls that will apply for the five calendar years from 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2027 (the NR23 period). It includes the modifications to NERL’s licence to implement the NR23 price controls.
Dated: October 2023

Provision and Support of Frequency 121.500 MHz
This policy (SARG Policy 132) sets out the UK’s implementation of ICAO provisions relating to the emergency VHF channel, 121.500 MHz.
Please note this has replaced ‘DAP Policy 121’. Any references should change to ‘SARG Policy 132’.
Dated: October 2023

Policy for the Design of Controlled Airspace Structures
Following a review of the Policy for the Design of Controlled Airspace Structures, the lateral containment criteria for RNAV 1 SIDs, STARs and ATS routes has been reduced to 2 NM on ‘straight-legs’ and ‘fixed-radius’ legs.
The policy provides design criteria for controlled airspace, describing the lateral and vertical relationship between instrument flight procedures and the dimensions of the controlled airspace that contains them. It is one of a number of documents which should be read in the context of each other to understand overall UK policy on airspace design; in particular, the Policy for the Classification of UK Airspace.
Dated: October 2024

NATS August 2023 system failure review
We have published today the Terms of Reference for the Independent Review of NATS (En Route) Plc’s flight planning sub-system failure on 28 August 2023.
Dated: October 2023

Stansted airspace hot-spot: North Weald Aerodrome
This hot-spot narrative is the second in the Airspace & Safety Initiative series covering satellite airfields around Stansted controlled airspace. It is intended to provide guidance to help pilots operating at North Weald prevent airspace infringements.
Dated: September 2023

New issue of UK Regulation 2017/373 compliance matrices
UK regulation 2017/373 Annex III Part OR Issue 6 and Annex IV Part ATS Issue 7 Compliance Matrices have now been published on the ANSP Certification and Designation page of the CAA web site.
These new issues contain additional Compliance Matrix Guidance Material to ATM/ANS.OR.A.080, 85 and 90 and ATS.OR.125 relating to Aeronautical Information Services and ATS.OR.110 relating to the Coordination between Aerodrome Operators and ATS Providers.
ANSPs should download and complete the new issues of the compliance matrices and submit them to the CAA via [email protected]
Dated: September 2023

ATM Regulatory Compliance and Interoperability: New CAP 670 Supplementary Amendment
Supplementary Amendment SA 2023/01 (CAP 670 SA 2023/01) was published on 5 September 2023, effective 13 September 2023.
More information can also be found on our website.
Dated: September 2023

CAP 493 SI 2023/04: Global Action Plan on the Prevention of Runway Excursion (Version 2)
Supplementary Instruction SI 2023/04 to the Manual of Air Traffic Services Part 1 has been amended and is published as version two on 31 August 2023, effective 31 August 2023.
The purpose of this Supplementary Instruction (SI) to the Manual of Air Traffic Services (MATS) Part 1 (CAP 493) is to implement two recommendations form the global action plan on the prevention of runway excursions (GAPPRE) into the runway change procedure detailed in Section 2, Chapter 1.
Version two of this supplementary instruction incorporates a change based on industry feedback.  This change enables ANSPs to employ an alternative procedure within their MATS Pt 2.
Dated: September 2023

SRG 1430 ANSP/TO Change Notification form
SRG1430 issue 10 has now been published.
Issue 10 has been amended to require greater detail when a notified change impacts on cyber security and to clarify that the 30-day notification period does not apply to changes that do not require review.
ANSPs and ATCO Training Organisations must use the latest version of SRG1430 which is available on the CAA web site.
SRG1430 Issue 10.
Dated: August 2023

CAP 413 SI 2023/01: Police, HEMS and SAR Callsigns
CAP 493 SI 2023/05: Police, HEMS and SAR Callsigns
CAP 797 SI 2023/03: Police, HEMS and SAR Callsigns
Supplementary Instruction SI 2023/01 to the Radiotelephony Manual, Supplementary Instruction SI 2023/05 to the Manual of Air Traffic Services Part 1 and Supplementary Instruction SI 2023/03 to the Flight Information Service Office Manual Part 1 was published on 7 July 2023, effective 7 September 2023.
The purpose of the Supplementary Instruction (SI) to the Radiotelephony Manual (CAP 413), Manual of Air Traffic Services (MATS) Part 1 (CAP 493), and the Flight Information Service Officer (FISO) Manual (CAP 797), is to amend the flight priorities and callsign suffixes used by Police, HEMS, and search and rescue (SAR) aircraft and the associated procedures detailed within the respective manual. In addition, these SIs also introduces changes to callsigns used in SAR activities.
Dated: July 2023

Air Traffic Management – Temporary Operating Instruction Definition
The new definition of a Temporary Operating Instruction (TOI) has been published on the CAA web site and can be viewed on the Change management and change notification process webpage.
This definition will be incorporated into CAP 670 and CAP 1616, once this is complete a further Skywise will be issued.
Dated: May 2023

UK Regulation (EU) 2015/340 ATCO Licence Application Forms
Following the completion of the 2023/24 CAA Statutory Scheme of Charges consultation period, the publication of the new charging scheme (SW2023/051) introduced new charges for licencing of ATCO personnel. These are detailed in section 8.1 table 53 ORS5 No. 402: CAA Scheme of Charges: Personnel Licensing. Due to these new charges the below forms have been revised and reissued:
SRG 1415 Application of the Issue, revalidation, or renewal of an ATC Assessor, OJTI or STDI licence endorsement
SRG 1416 Record of Revalidation of an ATCO Endorsement
SRG 1426 Air Traffic Controller Licence – Initial Issue, Revalidation, or renewal of an English Language Proficiency Endorsement
All of which can be found at  List of Air Traffic Services Publications (
Please ensure that the revised forms dated April 2023 are used when applying for ATCO licence updates, with further information contained in the guidance notes provided in each of the forms.
Dated: May 2023

CAP 493 SI 2023/04: Global Action Plan on the Prevention of Runway Excursion
Supplementary Instruction SI 2023/04 to the Manual of Air Traffic Services Part 1 was published on 9 May 2023, effective 8 July 2023.
The purpose of this Supplementary Instruction (SI) to the Manual of Air Traffic Services (MATS) Part 1 (CAP 493) is to implement two recommendations form the global action plan on the prevention of runway excursions (GAPPRE) into the runway change procedure detailed in Section 2, Chapter 1.
Dated: May 2023

CAP 493 SI 2023/02: Replacement of ORS 4 Nos. 1343 & 1344
Supplementary Instruction SI 2023/02 to the Manual of Air Traffic Services Part 1 was published on 4 May 2023, effective 4 May 2023.
The purpose of this Supplementary Instruction (SI) is to update references to Official Record Series (ORS) 4 Nos. 1343 and 1344 to ORS 4 Nos. 1576 and 1577 respectively within the Manual of Air Traffic Services (MATS) Part 1 (CAP 493).
Dated: May 2023

UK Air Traffic Management Vocabulary Edition 4
CAP 1430: UK Air Traffic Management Vocabulary Edition 4 has now been published.
The effective date is 15 June 2023.
Dated: March 2023

ATCO English Language Proficiency Licence Endorsements (ELP)
The CAA has recently published ORS4 No.1576 relating to the extension of the validity period of ATCO Level 6 English Language Proficiency licence endorsements (ELP) licence endorsements.
Further information is provided on all ELP licence on the CAA Web page ATCO English language proficiency endorsements
Dated: February 2023

CAP 797 SI 2023/01: Flight Priorities Table
Supplementary Instruction SI 2023/01 to the Flight Information Service Office Manual Part 1 were published on 17 February 2023, effective 18 April 2023.
The purpose of the Flight Information Service Officer (FISO)
Dated: February 2023

CAP 493 SI 2023/01: Flight Priorities
Supplementary Instruction SI 2023/01 to the Manual of Air Traffic Services Part 1 were published on 17 February 2023, effective 18 April 2023.
The purpose of the Supplementary Instructions (SI) to the Manual of Air Traffic Services (MATS) Part 1 (CAP 493) is to detail changes relating to the flight priority table.
Dated: February 2023

UK Wake Turbulence Categorisation Database
The CAA has published an amended version of its Wake Turbualence Categorisation Database. The database should be used by ATC service providers in conjunction with the wake turbulence categories in Appendix B to the MATS Part 1 (CAP 493) to determine the required wake turbulence separation.
Version 5 of the database is effective on publication.
Dated: December 2022

EU, EEA and Swiss licence ATCO application end date
Last date for ATCO applications based on EU, EEA and Swiss licences issued under commission regulation (EU) 2015/340 credits
Individuals wanting to gain a UK Air Traffic Controllers (ATCO) licence, based on credits from having met the requirement for the issue of a licence in accordance with Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/340, should be aware that final acceptance date for an application based on these credits is the end of the EU transition period, 31 December 2022.
We are not able to extend the date without conflicting with the Savings Provisions of the EU Withdrawal Act
Dated: December 2022

Aviation Safety and Air Traffic Management Regs 2022|
The Aviation Safety and Air Traffic Management (Amendment) Regulations 2022 (SI 2022 No. 1235) were laid in parliament today, 30 November 2022, which amends:
UK Regulation (EU) 748/2012 (Initial Airworthiness)
UK Regulation (EU) 965/2012 (Air Operations)
UK Regulation (EU) 1321/2012 (Continuing Airworthiness)
UK Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/945 (Unmanned Aircraft)
UK Regulation (EU) 2019/947 (Unmanned Aircraft)
on 23 December 2022, and
UK Regulation (EU) 923/2012 (SERA referred to as Common Rules of the Air
on 23 March 2023
See SI 2022 No. 1235 and its Explanatory Note
Consolidated versions of the amended Regulations will be published on the CAA website as soon as they are available
Dated: December 2022

Co-operative Surveillance Systems in FIS provision: New MATS Pt 1 SI, Radiotelephony SI and ATS SA
Supplementary Instruction SI 2022/10 (CAP493 SI 2022/10) to the Manual of Air Traffic Services Part 1
Supplementary Instruction SI 2022/02 (CAP413 SI 2022/02) to the Radiotelephony Manual
Supplementary Amendment SA 2021/01 Version 2 (CAP670 SA 2021/01) to ATS Safety Requirements
were published on 24 November 2022, effective 23 January 2023.
The purpose of these documents is to facilitate the use of cooperative surveillance systems in support of flight information service (FIS) provision.
Dated: November 2022

MATS Pt 1 SI 2022/09 and FISO Manual SI 2022/02: Regional Pressure Setting
Supplementary Instruction SI 2022/09 to the Manual of Air Traffic Services Part 1 and Supplementary Instruction SI 2022/02 to the Flight Information Service Office Manual were published on 10 November 2022, effective 9 January 2023.
The purpose of these Supplementary Instructions (SIs) is to detail changes relating to the use of the regional pressure setting.
Dated: November 2022

Update to requirements for Radio Operator’s Certificate of Competence (ROCC) Holders
Supplementary Amendment (SA) to CAP 452 – Aeronautical Radio Station Operator’s Guide published to inform Radio Operator’s Certificate of Competence (ROCC) holders of the urgent updated requirements following an investigation of an incident by the Air Accident Investigation Branch (AAIB) and the subsequent discussions held between the AAIB and the CAA.
Details contained in this Supplementary Amendment will be incorporated into CAP 452 in due course.
Dated: August 2022

MATS Pt 1 SI 2022/08: Alternative Departure Separations
Supplementary Instruction SI 2022/08 to the Manual of Air Traffic Services Part 1 was published on 5 July 2022, effective 5 July 2022.
The purpose of this Supplementary Instruction (SI) to the Manual of Air Traffic Services (MATS) Part 1 (CAP 493) is to update departure separation provisions to accommodate alternative departure separations approved within MATS Pt 2.
Dated: July 2022

MATS Pt 1 SI 2022/07: Lasers, Searchlights and Firework Displays
Supplementary Instruction SI 2022/07 to the Manual of Air Traffic Services Part 1 was published on 5 July 2022, effective 5 July 2022.
The purpose of this Supplementary Instruction (SI) to the Manual of Air Traffic Services (MATS) Part 1 (CAP 493) is to update guidance on lasers, searchlights and fireworks displays.
Dated: July 2022

MATS Pt 1 SI 2022/06: Royal Flights in fixed-wing aircraft
Supplementary Instruction SI 2022/06 to the Manual of Air Traffic Services Part 1 was published on 5 July 2022, effective 5 July 2022.
The purpose of this Supplementary Instruction (SI) to the Manual of Air Traffic Services (MATS) Part 1 (CAP 493) is to update information detailing Temporary Controlled Airspace (CAS-T) for Royal Flights in fixed-wing aircraft.
Dated: July 2022

London CTA Helicopter Forecast
Airspace users are reminded that, the London CTA Helicopter Forecast is issued four times a day and provides a specific forecast of cloud base and visibility. It is available to view on the Met Office Aviation Briefing Service at Aviation Briefing Service – Guidance – Met Office
Further Met information and resources are also available from the Met Office at Aviation Regulated Services – Met Office
Dated: June 2022

MATS Pt 1 SI: Wake Turbulence Separation Minima
Supplementary Instruction SI 2022/05 to the Manual of Air Traffic Services Part 1 was published on 13 June 2022, effective 13 June 2022.
The purpose of this Supplementary Instruction (SI) to the Manual of Air Traffic Services (MATS) Part 1 (CAP 493) is to remind air traffic controllers of the requirements relating to the application of wake turbulence separation minima to aircraft on final approach.
Dated: June 2022

UK AIP and chart format changes – AIRAC 07/2022
To comply with regulatory requirements changes will be made to the format of the UK AIP and Aeronautical Charts effective AIRAC 07/2022:
ENR 3 ATS Routes: Tables restructured.
ENR 5.5 Aerial Sporting/Recreational Activities: For easy reference all sites published in a single alphabetical list regardless of type.
AD 2 Aerodromes: New section “AD 2.25 Visual segment surface penetration”.
SID/STAR/IAC: Changes to accommodate conventional navaids on PBN procedures.
SID/STAR/& Coding tables: FLs be shown as FL+three digits to include a leading zero where applicable e.g. FL050.
For consistency “SFC” will be used throughout the AIP as an upper limit reference.
For further details see the NATS AIS website
Dated: June 2022

Working paper on review of Space based Automatic Dependent Surveillance (ADS-B) in the North Atlantic
This working paper provides an update on progress on our work in relation to NERL’s licence obligation to conduct a review of Space Based Automatic Dependent Surveillance (SB ADS-B) costs and benefits committed to as part of the RP3 price control. It identifies some early conclusions from the information gathered so far and proposes next steps.
Dated: May 2022

ATCO Licence Endorsements, Assessor, OJTI and STDI
A new CAA web page has been published to clarify the process and requirements for the application, revalidation, and renewal of Assessor, On Job Training Instructor (OJTI) and Synthetic Training Device Instructor (STDI) licence endorsements.
The web page also provides information on the administrative requirements and the use of the eight week grace period.
Dated: April 2022

Air Navigation Service providers (ANSPs) and ATCO Training Organisations
From the 1st June 2022 the CAA will be introducing a standardised way for ANSPs, TOs and ITOs to notify corrective actions for non-compliances and acceptance or rejection of observations raised during ongoing oversight audits. On completion of an audit an Audit Response Document (ARD) will be issued along with the Oversight Report. The ARD is in word format and is used to detail root cause, proposed corrective action plans, implementation dates and closure evidence, where possible, for findings raised during an audit. Further information on the ARD and its use is available on the CAA web site.
Dated: April 2022

Amendments to Pilot Common Project Regulation (716/2014)
The Air Traffic Management (Regulation (EU) No 716/2014) (Amendment) Regulations 2022 (SI No. 211) was laid in Parliament yesterday, 3 March 2022 and is expected to come into force on 24 March 2022.
SI 2022 No. 211 makes amendments to UK (EU) Regulation No 716/2014 (also known as the Pilot Common Project Regulation)
These amendments delay implementation and target deployment dates for a number of air traffic management systems, to accommodate delays resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic.
For full details of the amendments see the Air Traffic Management (Regulation (EU) No 716/2014) (Amendment) Regulations 2022 (SI No. 211)
More information is available in the Explanatory Memorandum to the Air Traffic Management (Regulation (EU) No 716/2014) (Amendment) Regulations 2022 (SI No. 211).
A consolidated version of the amended Pilot Common Project Regulation will be published on the CAA website as soon it is available.
Dated: March 2022

Deletion CAP670 Part D: Human Resources
Following publication of CAA ORS9 decision 6 detailing additional AMC and GM on Air Traffic Controllers’ Rostering System(s), the CAA has issued a supplementary amendment that deletes Part D: Human Resources from CAP670 and amends Part B Section 1 APP04.8 with effect from 7 March 2022.
Dated: March 2022

Regulation 2017/373 Compliance Matrix ANNEX IV Part ATS with the issue 5
Issue 5 of Regulation 2017/373 Compliance Matrix ANNEX IV Part ATS has now been published. This version has been updated to include the AMC requirements published in ORS9.
Decision 6 relating to ATCO Rostering, which become applicable from the 7th March 2022.
As further amendments are pending relating to Statutory Instrument (SI) 2021 No. 1203, requirements for Aeronautical Data Quality, there is currently no requirement for Service Providers holding a regulation UK (EU) 2017/373 certificate to send completed versions of this compliance matrix to the CAA and should be for internal use only until issue 6 is published.
Dated: February 2022

Corrected alert: FISO Manual (CAP 797) Edition 4
This alert has been resent (again) to correct an error to the SI reference in the final paragraph (underlined below). Only the SI reference in this alert has changed. There have been no changes to Edition of 4 of the FISO Manual (CAP 797) since the original alert was issued.
Amendment 1 to Edition 4 of the Flight Information Service Officer (FISO) Manual (CAP 797) was published on 10 February 2022, effective 24 March 2022.
The FISO Manual is published for use by FISOs and contains procedures, instructions and information pertaining to both aerodrome and area operations; it may also be of general interest to others associated with civil aviation. This amendment to the Fourth Edition of CAP 797 incorporates those supplementary instructions that have been issued and are effective up to and including 24 March 2022; i.e. up to and including SI 2022/01.
Dated: February 2022

MATS Part 1 (CAP 493): Edition 10 published
The Manual of Air Traffic Services (MATS) Part 1 (CAP 493) edition 10 is now available at
The effective date is 28 March 2022.
Dated: February 2022

FISO Manual (CAP 797) Edition 4
Amendment 1 to Edition 4 of the Flight Information Service Officer (FISO) Manual (CAP 797) was published on 10 February 2022, effective 24 March 2022.
The FISO Manual is published for use by FISOs and contains procedures, instructions and information pertaining to both aerodrome and area operations; it may also be of general interest to others associated with civil aviation. This amendment to the Fourth Edition of CAP 797 incorporates those supplementary instructions that have been issued and are effective up to and including 24 March 2022; i.e. up to and including SI 04/2021.
Dated: February 2022

MATS Pt 1 SI 2022/04: Re-designation of Airways below FL 245 to Control Areas (CTAs)
Supplementary Instruction SI 2022/04 to the Manual of Air Traffic Services Part 1 was published on 7 February 2022, effective 6 October 2022.
The purpose of this Supplementary Instruction (SI) to the Manual of Air Traffic Services (MATS) Part 1 (CAP 493) is to implement the re-designation of airways below FL 245 to control Areas (CTAs).
Dated: February 2022

Supplementary Instructions (SIs) amending a Manual of Air Traffic Services Part 2 (MATS Pt2) or a Manual of Flight Information Services (MAFIS) documents.
Currently when making an amendment to MATS Pt2 or MAFIS documents by use of an SI, the amendment is to be notified to the CAA by the submission of a SRG 1430 change notification form along with the SI.
It is now no longer necessary to complete an SRG 1430 form for the issue of these SIs. The SI is to be submitted to the CAA 30 days in advance of publication via [email protected] but no longer requires to be accompanied by an SRG 1430.
More information is available on the CAA web site
Dated: February 2022

New edition of CAP 1054 Aeronautical Data Quality
The CAA has published Edition 2 of CAP 1054 Aeronautical Data Quality providing guidance to UK industry on the means of achieving compliance with applicable national and international aeronautical data quality requirements for the provision and maintenance of aeronautical data and aeronautical information in UK Aeronautical Information Products.
Dated: January 2022

MATS Pt 1 SI 2022/03: Use of levels by controllers
Supplementary Instruction SI 2022/03 to the Manual of Air Traffic Services Part 1 was published on 26 January 2022, effective 28 March 2022.
The purpose of this Supplementary Instruction (SI) is to detail changes made to the Manual of Air Traffic Services (MATS) Part 1 (CAP 493) relating to aircraft operating at the lower or upper limit of controlled airspace. This SI is re-issued as version 2.  Please review the revision history section for further details.
Dated: January 2022

MATS Pt 1 SI 2021/04 Version 2: Operating at the lower or upper limit of controlled airspace
Supplementary Instruction SI 2021/04 Version 2 to the Manual of Air Traffic Services Part 1 was published on 26 January 2022, effective 27 January 2022.
The purpose of this Supplementary Instruction (SI) is to detail changes made to the Manual of Air Traffic Services (MATS) Part 1 (CAP 493) relating to aircraft operating at the lower or upper limit of controlled airspace. This SI is re-issued as version 2.  Please review the revision history section for further details.
Dated: January 2022

Radio & Transponder Mandatory Zones
As part of our work to enable the Airspace Modernisation Strategy, the CAA has reviewed and amended its policies on radio and transponder mandatory zones (RMZ and TMZ).
This has resulted in:
new acceptable means of compliance and guidance material to SERA.6005 Requirements for Communications and SSR Transponders adopted through ORS9 CAA Decision No 10;
an amended airspace Policy For Radio Mandatory Zones and Transponder Mandatory Zones on the design and establishment of RMZ and TMZ; and
revisions to the MATS Part 1 (CAP 493), the FISO Manual (CAP 797) and the Radiotelephony Manual (CAP 413)
which come into effect on 24 March 2022.
Dated: January 2022

UK Wake Turbulence Categorisation Database
The CAA has published an amended version of its Wake Turbulence Categorisation Database.
The database should be used by ATC service providers in conjunction with the wake turbulence categories in Appendix B to the MATS Part 1 (CAP 493) to determine the required wake turbulence separation.
Version 4 of the database is effective on publication.
Dated: January 2022

CAP 797 Flight Information Service Officer Manual
Supplementary Instruction (SI) 2021/04 to CAP 797 Flight Information Service Officer (FISO) Manual Edition 4 was published on 16 December 2021, effective 14 February 2022.
The purpose of this SI is to implement changes to Maritime and Coastguard Agency related nomenclature and procedures.
Dated: December 2021

Flight Information Display (FID) systems guidance material
Following trials of Flight Information Display (FID) systems at a number of AFISO units, the CAA has published guidance in CAP797 SI 2021/03CAP1032 SI 2021/01CAP670 SA 2021/02 and CAP774 detailing the process for their approval and use at AFISO units.
Similar guidance material for the use of FIDs at ATC units will be published in due course, however any ATC units considering use of FIDs in the meantime should contact their allocated Inspector in the first instance.
Dated: December 2021

CAP 774 UK Flight Information Services
CAP 774 UK Flight Information Services Edition 4 has been published and becomes effective on 15 December 2021.
Aside from minor editorial changes within the foreword, Edition 4 includes amendments to ensure that the text of the document is gender neutral and to reflect the introduction of policy permitting the use, by aerodrome FISOs, of information from an ATS surveillance system to supplement the provision of aerodrome FIS.
Dated: December 2021

MATS Pt 1 SI 2021/07:  Changes to HM Coastguard nomenclature, D&D cell coverage and related procedures
Supplementary Instruction SI 2021/07 to the Manual of Air Traffic Services Part 1 was published on 13 December 2021, effective 11 February 2022.
The purpose of this Supplementary Instruction (SI) to the Manual of Air Traffic Services (MATS) Part 1 (CAP 493) is to implement changes to HM Coastguard nomenclature, D&D cell coverage and related procedures.
Dated: December 2021

Event and Obstacle Notification
We have published new guidance on how to notify the CAA about events and obstacles in UK airspace.  We have also introduced a new online form for submitting notifications.
Persons responsible for existing or proposed obstacles of 100 metres or more above ground level are to ensure that they comply with the mandatory requirement (Article 225A of the Air Navigation Order) now in force to notify the CAA.
Dated: December 2021

MATS Part 1: Supplementary Instructions published
Two Supplementary Instructions to the Manual of Air Traffic Services (MATS) Part 1 were published on 29 November 2021, effective 28 January 2022.
MATS Pt 1 SI 2021/05: Reduction in longitudinal separation
Supplementary Instruction SI 2021/05 introduces an amendment to note 3 to section 1, chapter 3, paragraph 8A.1, table 1 entitled longitudinal separation based on time.
MATS Pt 1 SI 2021/06: Radar handover and speed control
Supplementary Instruction SI 2021/06 addresses a deficiency within the radar handover text within section 1, chapter 6.
Amendment to CAP632 Operation of Permit-to-Fly ex-military aircraft
Dated: December 2021

Amendment to CAP632 Operation of Permit-to-Fly ex-military aircraft
CAP632: Operation of Permit-to-Fly ex-military aircraft on the UK register
This amendment has been published to reflect an alteration to the Official Record Series 9 Decision referred to in Chapter 5 and Appendix F. The red underlining from amendment 1 has been retained for clarity.
Amendment 1 was published in September to reflect a revision to the Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material to SERA.6001 on on flight above the airspace speed limit.
Dated: December 2021

The UK regulation (EU) 2015/340 (Air Traffic Controllers Licensing and Certification) Compliance Matrix.
The UK regulation (EU) 2015/340 Compliance Matrix has been amended to include the requirements of Statutory Instrument 2019/645. The changes made do not significantly impact on the content of the regulation but manly relate changes from EU to UK terminology Issue 3 of the compliance matrix has now been published on the CAA web site Air Traffic Control Officer training organisation certification page.
ANSPs are requested to maintain their compliance matrices using the latest published version.
Dated: November 2021

The UK regulation (EU) 376/2014 (Occurrence Reporting and Just Culture) Compliance Matrix.
The UK regulation (EU) 376/2014 Compliance Matrix has been amended to include the requirements of Statutory Instrument 2019/645. The changes made do not significantly impact on the content of the regulation but manly relate changes from EU to UK terminology Issue 3 of the compliance matrix has now been published on the CAA web site Certification and Designation page.
ANSPs are requested to maintain their compliance matrices using the latest published version.
Dated: November 2021

ATCO Level 6 English language proficiency endorsements
UK Regulation (EU) 2015/340 sets the validity period for level 6 English Language Proficiency (ELP) endorsement for ATCOs at 9 years.
Level 6 licence endorsements currently held are from either the date of original ELP assessment, or the date of Regulation (EU) 2015/340 ATCO licence issue.
To lessen the impact of revalidating a considerable number of ATCO’s, two reduced Level 6 ELP assessment processes have been produced.
Process ‘A’ for operational ATCOs and process ‘B’ for non-operational ATCOs. The relevant process must be completed the year prior to the ELP expiry date.
More details about this can been found on our website.
Dated: November 2021


MATS Pt 1 SI 2021/04: Operating at the lower or upper limit of controlled airspace
Supplementary Instruction SI 2021/04 to the Manual of Air Traffic Services Part 1 was published on 29 October 2021, effective 27 January 2022.
The purpose of this Supplementary Instruction (SI) is to detail changes made to the Manual of Air Traffic Services (MATS) Part 1 (CAP 493) relating to aircraft operating at the lower or upper limit of controlled airspace.
Dated: November 2021

MATS Pt 1 SI: Terrain Awareness and Warning System (TAWS)
The purpose of this Supplementary Instruction (SI) is to update extant text concerning GPWS and to change reference from GPWS to TAWS.
Dated: October 2021

Infringement narrative: RAF Syerston ATZ
This Airspace and Safety Initiative latest update is the 30th in a series of narratives focusing on identified infringement ‘hot-spots’ in the UK. It has been written by the Aerodrome Controlling Authority at RAF Syerston and members of the CAA’s Airspace Infringement Team.
Read Preventing infringements of the RAF Syerston Aerodrome Traffic Zone
Dated: October 2021

Regulation UK (EU) 2017/373 ATS.OR.305 psychoactive substances policy and procedures.
Regulation UK (EU) 2017/373 ATS.OR.305 details the responsibilities of ATC service providers on the problematic use of psychoactive substances by air traffic controllers.
UK guidance material on this subject is provided within Official Record Series 9 (ORS9) Decision 7.
ATC ANSPs are to review their compliance with Regulation UK (EU) 2017/373 ATS.OR.305 using the GM provided in ORS9, and forward their psychoactive substance policy/procedures to [email protected].
To allow the CAA time to formally review and approve all ATC ANSPs policy/procedures, ATC ANSPs are to submit these to the CAA as soon as possible, and well before the 7 March 2022 deadline.
Dated: October 2021

Units of measurement in civil aviation
The CAA has published information on the requirements and use of units of measurement in civil aviation air and ground operations in the UK.
CAP 2264 complements and gives additional guidance to that contained in the UK Units of Measurement Regulation (1986) as amended.
Please see CAP 2264 – Units of measurement in civil aviation for details.
Dated: October 2021

The Regulation UK (EU) 2017/373 and 2015/340 SRG 1430 change notification form has been amended and Issue 5 is now published on the CAA web site
The SRG 1430 form and its attach guidance notes are amended to:
Reference UK regulations.
Allow Interoperability documents related to a notified change to be provided post notification when any impact is determined.
Allow more flexibility on the development of cyber risk assessments at the time of change notification and provide e mail address for cyber related documents.
Provide better guidance on the completion if the location field.
Better define a ‘material modification’. I.e. when will an up issued version of a submitted 1430 be required.
Clarify that changes to Interoperability documents are not considered ‘material modifications’.
Provide better guidance to assist in describing the change.
When notifying a change ensure that the latest version, SRG1430 Issue 5 is used.
Dated: September 2021

Infringement narrative: Manchester Low Level Route procedures
The Manchester Low-level Route (LLR) procedures in the UK AIP at EGCC AD 2.22.7 are being revised effective with AIRAC 9/2021 on 9 September 2021 so the Northwest LAIT has updated narrative number 2 to help pilots understand the changes and requirements of the LLR use.
Dated: September 2021

The CAA has published ORS9 CAA Decisions to promulgate new and revised AMC and GM to Annex Annex I ‘Definitions’ and Annex IV ‘Part-ATS’ to the (UK) ATM/ANS IR.
The new AMC and GM relate to ATS.OR.305 ‘Responsibilities of air traffic control service providers with regard to the problematic use of psychoactive substances by air traffic controllers ’ and ATS.OR.320 ‘Air traffic controllers’ rostering system(s)’; the AMC and GM come into effect on 7 March 2022.  On this date, the Scheme for the Regulation of Air Traffic Controllers’ Hours (SRATCOH) will be withdrawn and CAP 1685 will no longer apply to ATC service providers.
In addition, the CAA has published revised web content on the implementation of the ATM/ANS IR alongside policy statements relating to ‘the problematic use of psychoactive substances ’ and ‘ATCO rostering’ .  These two policy statements place the AMC and GM into their wider UK Regulatory context and explain the CAA’s expectations vis a vis industry implementation of the Rule, AMC and GM.
Dated: September 2021

Policy for the approval of remote aerodrome air traffic services V4.0
Version 4.0 of the policy for the approval of remote air traffic services expands on previous policy to include the evolution of the concept into Multiple mode of operation and provision of remote aerodrome ATS from multiple aerodromes both sequentially and simultaneously.  It also includes technical updates in Appendix B and ATC training requirements in Appendix F.
Dated: August 2021

Planning resources and infringement avoidance
Pre-flight planning guidance
Pre-flight planning in a low-stress environment helps produce a safe strategy for the flight and reduces workload once airborne. Collaborative decision-making with ATC, weather services, and other pilots also helps size things up.
The Airspace Infringement Working Group’s guidance, covering key aspects of successful pre-flight preparation and planning, is available on the Airspace & Safety Initiative website:
Dated: August 2021

NATS AIS Internet Briefing System (IBS)
NATS will replace the AIS IBS with a new system on Thursday, 12th August 2021.
The new system provides an improved user interface and enhanced functionality – Full details of changes are available via the NATS news item at including a new User Manual
Note: Users with existing Pre-flight Information Bulletin (PIB) accounts will need to self-register a new account on the 12th August because it is not possible to transfer existing passwords.
The system will be down for a short period (approximately 3 hours) whilst the system is upgraded. During this period contingency AIP and NOTAM will be available at
Dated: August 2021

CAP 1430 – UK Air Traffic Management Vocabulary Edition 3
CAP 1430 – UK Air Traffic Management Vocabulary Edition 3 is now available at
The effective date is 28 September 2021.
Dated: July 2021

The Air Navigation (Amendment) Order 2021
This SkyWise is to advise that The Air Navigation (Amendment) Order 2021 (SI 2021 No. 879) will come into force on 19 August 2021, except for the en-route obstacles provisions which will enter into force on 6 September 2021.
For full details see The Air Navigation (Amendment) Order 2021 (SI 2021 No. 879) which identifies the changes this Order makes to the Air Navigation Order 2016 (“ANO”). Further information can be found in the Explanatory Memorandum to The Air Navigation (Amendment) Order 2021.
A Consolidated version of the ANO (indicating when the ANO) was last amended) will be published on the CAA website as soon as it is available.
For more information please see the following links:
The Air Navigation (Amendment) Order 2021
Explanatory Memorandum to The Air Navigation (Amendment) Order 2021
UK regulations | Civil Aviation Authority (
Dated: July 2021

Air Traffic Services licensing application forms – corrected form numbers
The Air Traffic Services (ATS) licensing application forms have been updated with a host of improvements and to provide greater guidance for applicants. Following a four-week transition period, the latest versions must be used from 09 August 2021; older forms submitted after this date will be rejected.

The following forms have been amended and published as follows:
• SRG1411A Issue 03
• SRG1411B Issue 04
• SRG1411D Issue 03
• SRG1411E Issue 03
• SRG1414 Issue 08
• SRG1415 Issue 09
• SRG1416 Issue 10
• SRG1421 Issue 09

Please ensure all application forms are downloaded directly from our Air Traffic Services Forms webpage.
Dated: July 2021

CAP 1781 – DVOR / DME / NDB Rationalisation
The CAA has published CAP 1781 and CAP 1781b as guidance in support of how airports might mitigate the effect of the removal of conventional navigation aids from December 2022.
From this date, NATS plan to commence decommissioning of DVOR, DME and NDB sites. The two CAPs offer the use of RNAV Substitution as one technique that may be applied in lieu of radiating navigation aids. CAP 1781b contains an Example Safety Approach which may be used in this process.
A companion CAP 1926 will be published shortly detailing the guidance to operators on the use of RNAV Substitution.
Dated: July 2021

Wireless Telegraphy Act licence renewal
An update to CAP670 COM02.19 is introduced to draw a distinction between a delayed renewal of a Wireless Telegraphy Act radio licence and a formal revocation of the licence by Ofcom.
Dated: June 2021

Movement area surface condition reporting
On 18 February 2021, the CAA issued Supplementary Instructions (SIs) to the MATS Part 1 (CAP 493), the FISO Manual (CAP 797) and the Radiotelephony Manual (CAP 413) relating to the implementation of ICAO’s Global Reporting Format methodology for assessing and reporting surface conditions on the aerodrome movement area.
Industry feedback on these SIs has prompted the CAA to review and revise these SIs in order to simplify some of the content.  It is important to note that in revising these SIs, no changes have been made to the requirements placed upon ATS providers.
Dated: May 2021

Revised Visibility & Distance from Cloud Minima
The VMC visibility and distance from cloud minima in class D airspace change today (20 May 2021).
Further detail is contained in AIP ENR 1.2 and ENR 1.4 (published in AIRAC 05/2021) and, for ATS providers, within Supplementary Instructions to the MATS Part 1 (CAP 493) and the FISO Manual (CAP 797).
The change to the VMC minima has implications for the operation of the Manchester Low Level Route and pilots should note the contents of Official Record Series 4 No 1489 UK Standardised European Rules of the Air – VFR Flights Within the Manchester Low Level Route. Amendments to the EGCC AD2 entry will be made in due course, and a briefing sheet published through the NATS AIS newsfeed in the coming days.
Dated: May 2021

Infringement occurrence narrative and avoidance webinar
The Airspace & Safety Initiative‘s latest infringement occurrence narrative looks at an infringement of the Class D East Midlands Control Area 2 (CTA-2) and overflight of active winch-launch glider sites and includes air traffic control and pilot perspectives, causal factors and analysis.
Read Infringement of the Class D East Midlands Control Area 2 (CTA-2) and overflight of active winch-launch glider sites

Airspace Infringement Avoidance Webinar
On Monday 26 April (1900 – 2030 hours) there’s a chance to join GASCo Regional Safety Officers for a webinar on how to avoid an airspace infringement, with tips, quizzes and practical examples it’ll be a useful refresher.
Register Airspace Infringement Avoidance Webinar
Dated: April 2021

MATS Part 1 (CAP 493): Edition 9 Corrigendum
The Manual of Air Traffic Services (MATS) Part 1 (CAP 493) edition 9 corrigendum is now available at
The effective date is 20 May 2021
Dated: April 2021

UK Wake Turbulence Categorisation Database
The CAA has published an amended version of its Wake Turbulence Categorisation Database.
The database should be used by ATC service providers in conjunction with the wake turbulence categories in Appendix B to the MATS Part 1 (CAP 493) to determine the required wake turbulence separation.
Version 3 of the database is effective on publication. ATC service providers must note that Version 3 includes amendments to the wake turbulence categories of 4 aircraft types.
Dated: April 2021

CAP 797 FISO Manual Edition 4
Edition 4 of the Flight Information Service Officer (FISO) Manual (CAP 797) was published on 26 February 2021, effective 26 March 2021.
Published for use by FISOs it contains procedures, instructions and information pertaining to both aerodrome and area operations. It may also be of general interest to others associated with civil aviation.
In addition to amendments resulting from the UK’s exit from the EU, the Fourth Edition of CAP 797 incorporates those supplementary instructions that have been issued and are effective before 26 March 2021; i.e. up to and including SI 07/2020.
Dated: February 2021

Movement Area Surface Condition Reporting Supplementary Instructions
Supplementary Instructions published today implement changes to Movement Area Surface Condition Reporting:
Radiotelephony Manual (CAP 413) SI 2021/02
MATS Pt 1 (CAP 493) SI 2021/02
FISO Manual (CAP 797) SI 2021/02
Dated: February 2021

Flight priorities: Search and Rescue Supplementary Instructions (SI)
Supplementary Instructions published today introduce a change to flight priorities involving Search and Rescue (SAR) aircraft:
Radiotelephony Manual (CAP 413) SI 2021/03
MATS Pt 1 (CAP 493) SI 2021/01
FISO Manual (CAP 797) SI 2021/01
Dated: February 2021

UK Wake Turbulence Categorisation Database
The CAA has published an amended version of its Wake Turbulence Categorisation Database.  The database should be used by ATC service providers in conjunction with the wake turbulence categories in Appendix B to the MATS Part 1 (CAP 493) to determine the required wake turbulence separation.
Version 2 of the database includes a new tab providing details on amendments made to the database.  Note that, amongst other amendments, Version 2 introduces 3 new aircraft types, and revises the wake turbulence category of the A139 helicopter from UK LIGHT to SMALL.
Version 2 of the database is effective on publication.
Dated: February 2021

Revised Visibility & Distance from Cloud Minima
From 20 May 2021, the UK will revert to the rules on flight visibility and distance from cloud in class D airspace that existed up to 26 March 2020.
The changes to the visual meteorological conditions (VMC) minima will apply to aircraft flying within the UK in class D airspace provided that they are flying during the day only; at and below 3,000 ft above mean sea level, or 1,000 ft above terrain, whichever is the higher; and at an indicated airspeed of 140 kts or less, to give adequate opportunity to see other traffic or any obstacles in time to avoid collision.
Full details of the change are available here, and the CAA published Supplementary Instructions to the MATS Part 1 and the FISO Manual relating to this change on 18 December 2020
Dated: January 2021

European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS)– update 
Following the UK exit from the European Union, the European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS) will continue to be available for LPV operations, post 01 January 2021 and until further notice. This affects the use of Satellite Based Augmentation Systems (SBAS) at aerodromes with LPV lines of aerodrome operating minima displayed on their RNP Approach charts.
For further information, please see the UK Government guidance on UK involvement in the EU?Space Programme from 2021 at:
UK involvement in the EU?Space Programme from 2021 – GOV.UK (
Dated: December 2020

MATS Pt 1 (CAP 493) SI 2020/07 & FISO Manual (CAP 797) SI 2020/08 : Change to VMC criteria
The purpose of these Supplementary Instructions is to implement changes to VMC minima within UK airspace.
MATS Pt 1 (CAP 493) SI 2020/07
FISO Manual (CAP 797) SI 2020/08
Dated: December 2020

Changes to the London Helicopter Route Chart
An updated 1:50k London Helicopter VFR Chart will be published on 3 December 2020 detailing amendments affecting the London helicopter routes. These are part of changes being implemented by NATS under ACP-2020-032 and ACP-2020-033.
Users of the chart should pay careful attention to the new method of depicting the maximum operating altitudes (also known as standard altitudes), which is described in the legend. Separate altitudes for VFR and SVFR flights are displayed and suggested minimum altitudes have been added to assist pilots with meeting their obligations for obstacle clearance.
Pilots are reminded that it is their responsibility to check for any notified temporary or new obstacles that may affect their flight and to maintain appropriate clearance from obstacles irrespective of the ATC clearance issued.
For more information see AIC Y 079/2020
Dated: November 2020

Removal of Warwick VRP: 10 September 2020
Following consultation with the Birmingham Local Airspace Infringement Team, the CAA, and a review of infringement data, Birmingham Airport have taken the decision to remove Warwick VRP (M40 Junction 15) as a notified Visual Reference Point.
The change is effective from 10 September 2020, and will be reflected in the UK AIP and airspace charts.
Dated: September 2020

CAP493 SI: ICAO Doc 4444 PANS-ATM Amendment 8 and Vectoring to Final (V2)
Version 2 of CAP493 SI2020-03 has now been published.
The purpose of this Supplementary Instruction (SI) is to detail changes made to the Manual of Air Traffic Services (MATS) Part 1 (CAP 493) introduced by ICAO Doc 4444 PANS-ATM Amendment 8, and to introduce amendments to vectoring to final practices.
Version 2 corrects a typographical error in paragraph 3.1 and can be reviewed here: CAP493 SI2020-03
Dated: August 2020

COVID-19 – EASA licence holders within Air Navigation Service Providers
Air Traffic Control licence holders should be aware that the medical element has been updated in licensing exemptions that relate to validity.
The remaining content of the licensing exemptions has not changed but the reference numbers have been updated:
EASA medical is now: ORS4 No. 1408
Licensing is now: ORS4 No. 1410
For more information refer to: COVID 19 guidance for commercial and recreational aviation
Dated: August 2020

CAP 797 Flight Information Service Officer Manual
Supplementary Instruction (SI) 2020/07 to CAP 797 Flight Information Service Officer (FISO) Manual Edition 3 was published on 4 August 2020, effective 3 December 2020.
This SI details changes made to the FISO Manual (CAP 797), relating to amendment 8 to ICAO Doc 4444 PANS-ATM and to reflect changes made to the UK’s SSR Code Allocation Plan on 27 February 2020 regarding the implementation of VFR and IFR conspicuity codes.
Dated: August 2020

CAP493 SI: ICAO Doc 4444 PANS-ATM amendment 8 and vectoring to final
CAP493 SI2020-03 has now been published.
This Supplementary Instruction details changes made to the Manual of Air Traffic Services (MATS) Part 1 (CAP 493) introduced by ICAO Doc 4444 PANS-ATM Amendment 8, and introduces amendments to vectoring to final practices.
Dated: August 2020

Flight Information Service Officer Manual (CAP 797)
Supplementary Instruction (SI) 2020/06 to CAP 797 was published on 28 July 2020, effective 3 December 2020.
A review of wake turbulence arrangements at AFIS aerodromes identified opportunities to reduce complexity and improve the quality of the guidance. This SI details changes made to the CAP 797 relating to warnings of wake turbulence provided by aerodrome FISOs.
Dated: July 2020

CAP 413 Radiotelephony Manual
Supplementary Instruction (SI) 02/2020 to CAP 413 Radiotelephony Manual ED 23 (Corr) was published on 14 July 2020, effective 10 September 2020.
The advent of performance-based navigation (PBN) is having a major impact on all aspects of the aviation industry, with PBN routes and procedures being introduced more widely. As part of a continuing effort to streamline inconsistencies resulting from the emergence of PBN, ICAO has introduced measures to align the procedure approach chart identification with the designation of the navigation specification.
Specifically, ICAO intends to transition from the area navigation (RNAV) global navigation satellite system (GNSS) Runway XX naming convention, to RNP Runway XX. The UK’s plan to adopt this naming convention is described within AIC Y 140/2019. The purpose of this SI to the Radiotelephony Manual (CAP 413) is to introduce the revised nomenclature and phraseology for PBN instrument approach procedures.
Dated: July 2020

Policy for ATS Provision within Controlled Airspace by Units not Notified as the Controlling Authority
The CAA publishes airspace policy statements on a variety of topics; one of these details requirements and provides guidance regarding the approval of air traffic services (ATS) units (ATSUs) seeking to provide ATS within controlled airspace (CAS), where such units are not notified as the controlling authority for such airspace.
The CAA’s triennial review of this airspace policy statement has resulted in a number of minor editorial amendments which include the replacement of references to Reg (EU) No 1034/2011 and 1035/2011, with reference to Reg (EU) No 2017/373 the ‘ATM/ANS IR’, following the former’s repeal.
The revised airspace policy statement can be found here.
Dated: July 2020

Manual of Air Traffic Services Part 1 (CAP 493) Edition 8
The Manual of Air Traffic Services (MATS) Part 1 (CAP 493) has been published as Edition 8, which will become effective on 31 July 2020.
Dated: June 2020

Flight Information Service Officer Manual (CAP 797)
Supplementary Instruction (SI) 2020/03 to CAP 797 was published on 9 June 2020 and will become effective on 8 July 2020.
This SI details changes made to the Flight Information Service Officer Manual (CAP 797) Edition 3, to update Chapter 21 Aeronautical Information Service and Appendix D Directory.
Dated: June 2020

Corrected issue of CAP 413
Stakeholder feedback concerning Edition 23 of CAP 413 Radiotelephony Manual has highlighted the need to address a number of issues.
As a result CAP 413 ED 23 will be withdrawn on 8 June 2020 and replaced with a corrected edition, ED 23 Corr, to take effect 17 August 2020.
Dated: June 2020

Radiotelephony Manual: New edition now published
The Radiotelephony Manual (CAP 413) has been updated. Edition 23 includes updates to: Foreword; Definitions; Military Callsigns and numerous editorial changes. It has been published today and has an effective date of 8 June 2020.
Dated: April 2020

Guidance on Sailplane Operations
Three Supplementary Instructions (SI) have been published to incorporate guidance material concerning sailplane operations into the Manual of Air Traffic Services (MATS) Part 1 (CAP 493) and the Flight Information Service Officer (FISO) Manual (CAP 797). Associated radiotelephony procedures are incorporated into the Radiotelephony Manual (CAP 413).
CAP493 SI 2020-02
CAP797 SI 2020-02
CAP413 SI 2020-01
Dated: April 2020

Standardised European Rules of the Air Update
The CAA has updated its consolidation of Regulation (EU) 923/2012, supporting EASA Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material, The Rules of the Air Regulations 2015, supporting CAA Permissions and Exemptions plus related elements of the Air Navigation Order 2016.
These updates can be found at and reflect the imminent expiry of the UK’s General Exemption from aspects of the Class D airspace VMC.
The consolidation also reflects changes to several other General Exemptions to reflect this expiry.
Dated: March 2020

Expiry of ORS4 General Exemption No. 1312 – 25 March 2020
Air traffic service providers are reminded that Official Record Series (ORS) 4 General Exemption No. 1312 will expire at 2359 UTC on 25 March 2020.
From 26 March 2020, reference to the Exemption will be removed from the Manual of Air Traffic Services (MATS) Part 1 (CAP 493), and the requirements of SERA.5001 Table S5-1 and SERA.5005(a) will apply without variation.
To review the Supplementary Instruction (SI).
Dated: March 2020

Expiry of SERA exemption covering VFR flights in Class D airspace
A Supplementary Instruction (SI) has been published to remind air traffic service providers that Official Record Series (ORS) 4 General Exemption No. 1312 is planned to expire at 2359 UTC on 25 March 2020.
From 26 March 2020 the requirements of SERA.5001 Table S5-1 and SERA.5005(a) will apply without variation and reference to ORS4 No 1312 is removed from the Manual of Air Traffic Services (MATS) Part 1 (CAP 493).
Dated: February 2020


CAP 797 Flight information service officer manual
A review of Royal Flight procedures by the CAA has resulted in a requirement to make subsequent amendments to the Flight Information Service Officer Manual (CAP 797). Whilst the change is relatively minor, ATS personnel should note that the procedure concerning Selected Helicopter Flights and the requirement for the diversion of Royal aircraft of No 32 (The Royal) Squadron to be authorised by the Distress and Diversion (D&D) Cell have been withdrawn.
Supplementary Instruction (SI) 2020/01 to CAP 797 Flight Information Service Officer (FISO) Manual Edition 3 was published on 23 January 2020, effective 26 March 2020.
Dated: January 2020

Amendment to Royal Flights procedure and the withdrawal of the Selected Helicopter Flights procedure – MATS Pt 1 (CAP 493) SI 2019/08
The purpose of this Supplementary Instruction (SI) to the Manual of Air Traffic Services (MATS) Part 1 (CAP 493) is to introduce changes to the Royal Flights procedure and to notify the withdrawal of the Selected Helicopter Flights procedure.
Dated: January 2020

Class E airspace ATS procedures amendment – phase 2 – version 2
MATS Pt 1 (CAP493) Supplementary Instruction (SI) 2019/06 implement phase 2 changes to Class E Airspace ATS procedures. This SI has been updated to include several additional amendments and is reissued as version 2.
Dated: January 2020

Update to Annex IV Part-ATS Human Factors Requirements for ATC Providers
The CAA has reviewed CAP 670 Air Traffic Services Safety Requirements Part D Human Resources.
While these requirements are the responsibility of service providers to comply with, the CAA has determined that if measures in place satisfy CAP 670 Part D, these will be regarded as being compliant with the regulation.
The CAA will provide further guidance to organisations regarding Alternative Means of Compliance (AltMoC).
Dated: December 2020

Class E airspace ATS procedures amendment
The purpose of this Supplementary Instruction (SI) is to implement changes to radiotelephony phraseology contained within UK Radiotelephony Manual (CAP 413).
This is in support of amendments to class E airspace Air Traffic Service (ATS) procedure changes contained within the Manual of Air Traffic Services (MATS) Part 1 (CAP 493).
Dated: October 2019

Class E airspace ATS procedures amendment – phase 2
The purpose of Supplementary Instruction (SI) 2019/06 is to implement phase 2 changes to Class E Airspace ATS procedures contained within the to the Manual of Air Traffic Services (MATS) Part 1 (CAP 493).
Dated: October 2019

Air Traffic Safety Electronics Personnel Training & Competence Requirements
CAP 1649 has been published and can be downloaded from the CAA website.
This document aims to help Air Navigation Service Providers interpret Regulation (EU) 2017/373 Annex XIII Part-PERS pertaining to ATSEP training and competence assessments, including specific United Kingdom recommendations and United Kingdom requirements for limited certificate holder ANSPs.
Details and requirements for existing Air Traffic Engineers transitioning to the new ATSEP processes can be found on the following page under the Part-PERS sub-section.
Dated: October 2019

Preventing airspace infringements around the Manchester low-level route
The second in a series of narratives focusing on identified infringement ‘hot-spots’ in the UK has been published on the Airspace & Safety Initiative website.
This infringement update has been written by members of the Northwest Local Airspace Infringement Team (LAIT): NATS Manchester; ATCSL, Liverpool; Barton Aerodrome; and Ravenair, Liverpool Airport.
Dated: October 2019

Identification requirement for ATS licensing applications
This notification updates and replaces the information sent on 4 May 2018 as SW2018/76
Applicants for the Radio Operator’s Certificate of Competence (ROCC), are required to provide proof of identity (ID), when making their initial application. The provided documentation must be certified by an approved UK CAA Authorised Examiner, or an official body such as a UK post office or UK solicitor/notary.
The only identification documentation that will be accepted is a valid passport or photo driving licence, both must be certified as per above.
Dated: August 2019

Policy for the approval of Remote Aerodrome Air Traffic Services (ATS)
The CAA has published an initial update of its Policy concerning the approval of remote tower operations which revises a number of definitions and some technical content to align with the content of EASA ED 2019/004/R.
Dated: July 2019

Policy for the Establishment of Visual Reference Points (VRPs)
The CAA has published policy and guidance regarding the establishment and use of VRPs, and the process to be followed when establishing or disestablishing them. It replaces Aeronautical Information Circular Y 006/2013 dated 21 February 2013.
VRPs are to be established in accordance with the CAA’s Airspace Change Process (CAP 1616). VRPs are categorized as Level 0 airspace changes, so sponsors should follow the Level 0 process and provide the required VRP-specific information in their DAP1916 submissions.
Dated: July 2019

Small UAS flights below 400 ft will no longer be notified
Following recent updates to the Air Navigation Order for small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (SUAS) we have reviewed the process for the notification of SUAS flights.
Subsequently we will no longer issue NOTAM for SUAS flights below 400ft AGL. This decision follows engagement with key stakeholders and the use of risk analysis tools and safety data. It does not affect
– the requirements for UAS operators to follow the NATS NSF and ENSF process.
– the ability for aerodromes to promulgate NOTAM’s within their associated areas should they deem necessary.
Any SUAS operators with exemptions to operate higher than 400ft AGL will be required to inform the CAA, Airspace Regulation, to enable NOTAM to be published.
Pilots are reminded to remain vigilant whilst operating both inside and outside the London and City CTR due to the increase in UAS operations.
Dated: June 2019

Skyway Code: New edition now available
Our guide to private flying rules, regulations and best practice has been updated. Version 2 is now online, with printed copies available to buy direct from aviation supplier AFE.
Condensing the must know information on UK GA flying into easy to navigate information and graphics, The SkyWay Code gives GA pilots a one stop shop for safety rules and advice.
Dated: June 2019

UK Airprox Board monthly review – April 2019
The UK Airprox Board (UKAB) has published its latest monthly review which focuses in detail on one particular airprox incident, to ensure that lessons can be learnt by pilots and air traffic controllers for the benefit of air safety in the future.
Dated: May 2019

ATCO licence grace period
Do you need to revalidate or renew your ATCO licence, ratings or endorsements?
Regulation 2015/340 states that the CAA MAY allow the privileges of a licence to be exercised for a period of eight weeks after successful completion of the applicable examination(s) and assessment(s), pending the issue of the licence, rating or endorsement. This is to allow the CAA to process licence applications.
If a valid licence is not received within 10 working days of the acknowledgement of their application, and this is preventing the applicant exercising the privileges of their licence, the applicant MUST contact their CAA Inspector ATS (Operations) to request permission to use the eight week grace period. Privileges may not be used after the eight week period unless in possession of a valid licence.
Dated: May 2019